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AMQP Messaging Modular Input: Why am I getting Python error "...amqp_ta\bin\ Error instantiating transport : null"?

ERROR ExecProcessor - message from "python "C:\Program Files\Splunk\etc\apps\amqp_ta\bin\"" Error instantiating transport : null

Did anyone come across a similar issue like above with amqp plugin before? I pointed it to a queue in RabbitMQ and it consumed over 7000 messages in no time, but nothing is getting indexed in Splunk.. I have spent a few days on it already with no success. Please share your valuable suggestions.

Queue Name = xxxx

Broker Host = rabbitmq server ip

Broker Port = 5672

Broker Username = xx

Broker Password = xx

Exchange Name =

 ACk Messages = yes

Basic QOS Limit = 20

 Index Message Envelope = yes
 Index Message Propertys = yes

sourcetype = automatic
Host = 10.XXXx
Index = main
0 Karma
1 Solution


The issue is resolved now. Output type we declared was HEC and changing it to stdout fixed the issue.


View solution in original post

0 Karma


The issue is resolved now. Output type we declared was HEC and changing it to stdout fixed the issue.


0 Karma

Ultra Champion

Please post your inputs.conf entry for the above AMQP stanza

0 Karma
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