I have to create an alert based on the number of the events I need to define the criticality and include that in the subject of the alert. But, I am using eventstats command in my search. So, I am not able to use the fields in the alert subject or body. Please provide an alternative.
Base query
| eval counter=case(
(time_taken > 90000), "Count_90",
some switch cases
(time_taken > 4000), "Count_4"
| eventstats count(eval(match(counter,"Count_90"))) as "Counter_90" count(eval(match(counter,"Count_60"))) as "Counter_60" count(eval(match(counter,"Count_30"))) as "Counter_30" count(eval(match(counter,"Count_20"))) as "Counter_20" count(eval(match(counter,"Count_15"))) as "Counter_15" count(eval(match(counter,"Count_10"))) as "Counter_10" count(eval(match(counter,"Count_4"))) as "Counter_4"
| eval criticality = case(
(Counter_90>5), "Critical-90s",
Some switch cases
(Counter_04>24), "Critical-4s",
(Counter_4>11 AND Counter_4 <= 17), "Warning-4s"
| table criticality,Time,host,c_ip,cs_uri_stem,s_ip,s_port,sc_status,sc_substatus,time_taken
I think I got it. I removed the field name from the table. I added all the filed names that I needed to use them in the alert subject and it worked. Thank you!
I think I got it. I removed the field name from the table. I added all the filed names that I needed to use them in the alert subject and it worked. Thank you!
Based on what Splunk version you're using, you should be able to use fields from your search results in your Email Subject (see this https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.0.2/Alert/EmailNotificationTokens ). Since the criticality is a field in your search result, you should be able to include it using $result.criticality$
. Please note only the first value for the specified field name from the first search result row will be added.
Our's is Splunk 7.0.2. I tried to add that way to the alert subject. But, no use. I am getting an null value. As I used eventstats is that the reason? Is there any other way to perform what I was doing using eventstats command?