
Webhooks action causing error (might be python related)

New Member

Good day, 

We are currently using :

Splunk Enterprise



and it seems there may be an issue with the urllibs library in python.  
Currently we are not able to use the Jenkins Trigger action as it is no longer supported. 
So we are using a webhook method to trigger a Jenkins build


The method we are using is: 

url=http://<APIUSER>:<API token>@i<FQDN hostname>:8080/project/<Project>/<Folder>/<Job</buildWithParameters?token=<job token>?<Param>=<Value>

the error we get is : 

<urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known>

and we attempted to use the IP address instead of the FQDN, as well as the name of the server as it is in the hosts file. 

Not sure if this is an issue with our Python installation on the Splunk SE side ? 

Any suggestons

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