Field names with special characters such as dots should be enclosed in single quotes
| where 'result.code'>0
Hi @metylkinandrey,
you can use the hint from @richgalloway and @ITWhisperer using quotes or, better in my mind, to rename the field containing dot, especially if you have to use it many times in your searches.
index="main" sourcetype="testsystem-script99"
| rename result.code AS result_code
| transaction maxpause=10m srcMsgId Correlation_srcMsgId messageId result_code
| table _time srcMsgId Correlation_srcMsgId messageId result_code
| sort srcMsgId _time
| streamstats current=f window=1 values(_time) as prevTime by subject
| eval timeDiff=_time-prevTime
| delta _time as timeDiff
| where result_code>0
in addition, you don't need to use fields command after table command.
Try putting the field name within single quotes. Single quotes tell Splunk the enclosed text is a field name rather than a literal string and avoids confusion caused by spaces and other odd characters.
| where 'result.code' > 0
Field names with special characters such as dots should be enclosed in single quotes
| where 'result.code'>0
wow, it works! Thank you!