
Number of Occurrences for certain value for certain amount in 5 minute span


Hi Splunk Gurus!!!

I have the below query in my environment to find out the seconds it took for the job to complete/not complete.

"Ping to url [/services/Queue/ProcessDius] took" AND "seconds and resulted in status code NoContent"| rex field=_raw "took (?.*) seconds"|where ProcessTime > 60

alt text

what i am trying to achieve is that,i wanna create an alert if possible, where the processtime is greater than 60seconds and it happens more than 6 times in 5 minute span.

Thank you for all your help in advance.

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Ultra Champion

you will probably want to use streamstats and time_window read here more:

something like this:
... your search so far ... | sort - _time | streamstats time_window=5m count as high_count_in_five_minutes | where high_count_in_five_minutes >=6

try this search anywhere to better understand how it works:

| gentimes start=-1 increment=30s 
| head 100
| eval _time = starttime 
| eval value = random()%100
| where value > 60
| table _time value
| sort _time
| streamstats time_window=5m count as high_count_in_five_minutes

here is another slightly different approach:

| gentimes start=-1 increment=30s 
| head 100
| eval _time = starttime 
| eval value = random()%100
| table _time value
| sort _time
| eval bad = if(value > 60,1,0)
| where bad = 1
| streamstats time_window=5m count(bad) as bad_count

hope it helps

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