I have an Apache Tomcat web server that logs a file each time an authentication attempt is made. The name of the file includes the username, a time stamp, and then ends in .xml. I would like to set up an alert that searches the source name and detects if a file name is out of the norm.
I've tried the following search and it just returns the full source path instead of showing filenames with special characters.
index="MyIndex" source="D:\\software\\dev\\current\\logs\\*\\*" | rex field=source "(?.*[^\w^\\^.\^:].*.xml)"| table filename
So for example, these are two log files that would be normal.
This would not be considered normal and should trigger an alert.
D:\software\dev\current\logs\2017_01_22\SELECT * () from 2832 ^&%_1485128364222_0.xml
Any help is great appreciated!
Try something like this. This is a faster search which gets all the source
values available in MyIndex for selected time range and returns name of sources which are not following the pattern \w+_\d+_\w+\.xml
(username_epochtimestamp_something.xml) for file name.
| tstats count WHERE index=MyIndex source="D:\\software\\dev\\current\\logs\\*\\*" by source| regex source!="\w:(\\\[^\\\]+)+\\\(\w+_\d+_\w+\.xml)"
Try something like this. This is a faster search which gets all the source
values available in MyIndex for selected time range and returns name of sources which are not following the pattern \w+_\d+_\w+\.xml
(username_epochtimestamp_something.xml) for file name.
| tstats count WHERE index=MyIndex source="D:\\software\\dev\\current\\logs\\*\\*" by source| regex source!="\w:(\\\[^\\\]+)+\\\(\w+_\d+_\w+\.xml)"
somesoni2 - what's the purpose of the second parenthesis in that regular expression?
Thank you, this worked! You solved my regex dilemma. I just added this to the end to only show results that are over the normal length.
| eval length=len(source) | search length>73 | table source count length
Its just my habit to enclose the regex in braces. easier when you're converting them to field extractions.
This seems to work.
| makeresults
| eval source="D:\software\dev\current\logs\2017_01_23\JSMITH1_1485182355831_0.xml"
| append [|makeresults | eval source=" D:\software\dev\current\logs\2017_01_22\JDOE2_1485128364222_0.xml"]
| append [|makeresults | eval source=" D:\software\dev\current\logs\2017_01_22\SELECT * () from 2832 ^&%_1485128364222_0.xml"]
| rex field=source "(?<filename>[\w]:.*\.xml)"
| rex field=source "(?<testname>[\w]:[\w\\\\]*\.xml)"
| eval nameokay = if(filename=testname,1,0)
| table filename testname nameokay
before the table command, |search nameokay=0 and you get only your bad results.