So, we have this alert that's running every 5 minutes. Once the trigger logic is met, it will send an email. From thereon, we want that alert to stop and resume by 00:00:00 of the following day.
How do we do that? Thanks a lot!
Throttle on mytime
| eval mytime=strftime(_time, "%Y%m%d")
@morethanyell, Can you share the search you're using for alert, trigger logic.
Sorry I don't have any now.
As per answer from -
Original Alert - | rest /services/licenser/usage | eval "% used"=round(slaves_usage_bytes/quota*100,2) | where '% used' > 75 | fields "% used", "updated"
Updated Alert - | rest /services/licenser/usage | eval "% used"=round(slaves_usage_bytes/quota*100,2) | appendcols [search index=_internal sourcetype=scheduler thread_id=AlertNotifier* savedsearch_name="PUTYOURALERTSEARCHNAMEHERE" earliest=@d | head 1 | table _time] | where '% used' > 75 AND isnull(_time)| fields "% used", "updated"
Paste your query here, I will try...
My comment was to the poster of the question, @morethanyell 🙂 Thanks though!
My Bad...