
How to test Splunk alerts?

New Member

I configured an alert when a VPN connection is established from an IP that is located abroad. Now I would like to test if the alert works as expected. What is the best way of doing this? Can I for example copy a raw VPN login event, change the source IP, mark the event as alerttestevent and add it to Splunk to test the alert?

Can this be automated somehow, i.e. when I adjust an alert I want to easily retest that everything still works as expected? I'm thinking about something like unit tests for Splunk alerts.

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You can use the Eventgen App to generate events. Take a look this might be your answer.

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New Member

Thank you for the response, I'll take a closer look at the Eventgen App.

0 Karma


Along the lines of your original idea to copy an event and modify it. You could do that and use | collect command to write it back to your index.

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