How do we schedule an alert to run every 15 days. Please confirm. I need a cron to run the report every 15 days. Please share the cron format. In one of your forums, I could see
00 06 1-7,15-21 * 1
This would run every second week on Monday at 06:00 am.
Could you please explain this format. what does 1-7,15-21 mean.
The 00 06 means 6:00 AM. the first 00 meaning minutes and the second 06 meaning hour.
The 1-7,15-21 are the days of the month. So every month the 1st through the 7th and the 15th to the 21st.
The * after means Any month
The 1 at the end is the day of the week. 1 means Monday. So only on Mondays.
So 6:00 AM on every Monday that falls on the 1st-7th or 15th-21st of every month.
If you want a schedule search to run for instance at midnight every 15 days, you can use the following syntax:
00 00 */15 * *
If you want it to run exactly on the 1st and 15th day of the month:
00 00 1,15 * *
Hope that helps.
this explains it better than i do:,15-21_*_1
hope it helps