I ready thru some documentation, but I need a nudge in the right direction. I have an index that has information on when a user is IN or OUT of the office. I would like to be alerted when someone logs into their workstation when the are OUT of the office. My Windows security logs are in a different index than my logs that contain IN/OUT status. I am a bit confused on if I should begin with "transaction" or subsearches. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
I would use streamstats like this:
(index=A other filters to get IN/OUT time) OR (index=B other filter to get Windows sercurity logs) | reverse | streamstats current=t latest(userStatusFieldThatIsEitherInOrOut) AS lastStatus by userIdField | where lastStatus="Out" AND EventCode="LoginCode"
See the transaction command herer
What you need (IMO) is that find events grouping (transactions) which will start when user is out of office and ends when someone logs in the work station. You can correlate both the logs (in different index) like this
(index=A other filters to get IN/OUT time) OR (index=B other filter to get Windows sercurity logs) | transaction YourCommondField startswith="condition for OUT" endswith="condition for someone logged in"
thank you. Let me try to get this working. I will report back