
How to configure custom alert for run python script



I have some problem with run python script in custom alert. I have the next file

is_custom = 1
label = "Monitoreo de molino de Rio Claro"
description = "Ejecuta acciones sobre el molino de Rio Claro"
payload_format = json
param.result_count = $job.resultCount$
param.search_query = $$
param.results = results_link
alert.execute.cmd = python
alert.execute.cmd.arg.0 = $SPLUNK_HOME$/etc/apps/DTw_CRC/bin/iotgateway/
alert.execute.cmd.arg.1 = --execute

but in the _internal index I get the next event

ERROR sendmodalert - action=DigitalTwingKeepwareCRC - Failed to find alert.execute.cmd "python".

Please, help me

0 Karma

Ultra Champion


In alert.execute.cmd you need to provide *.path file.

  1. Create $SPLUNK_HOME$/etc/apps/DTw_CRC/linux_x86_64/bin/directory.
  2. Create python.path file with below config and provide execute permission with chmod 750 python.path

    "$SPLUNK_HOME/bin/splunk" cmd python

  3. Use below config in alert_actions.conf
    is_custom = 1
    label = "Monitoreo de molino de Rio Claro"
    description = "Ejecuta acciones sobre el molino de Rio Claro"
    payload_format = json
    param.result_count = $job.resultCount$
    param.search_query = $$
    param.results = results_link
    alert.execute.cmd = python.path
    alert.execute.cmd.arg.0 = $SPLUNK_HOME$/etc/apps/DTw_CRC/bin/iotgateway/
    alert.execute.cmd.arg.1 = --execute

0 Karma



I created $SPLUNK_HOME$/etc/apps/DTw_CRC/linux_x86_64/bin/ directory.

In the last location, I created python.path file, and in this file write "$SPLUNK_HOME/bin/splunk" cmd python

I edited alert_actions.conf

But I get the next error:

04-01-2019 13:05:01.910 0000 ERROR sendmodalert - action=DigitalTwingKeepwareCRC - Failed to find alert.execute.cmd "python.path".

What's my error?

0 Karma

Ultra Champion

I have tested above config in my lab and failed but below config is working fine.

Please change $SPLUNK_HOME$/etc/apps/DTw_CRC/linux_x86_64/bin/python.path with below config


Add below config in $SPLUNK_HOME$/etc/apps/DTw_CRC/metadata/default.meta

access = read : [ * ], write : [ admin ]
export = system
owner = nobody
0 Karma
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