How Can i just get the message alert in mail showing only the failed job example "Job=[ADM-FILENET-DLY]] " instead of the complete log. Note: The Job names are dynamic
My Current Alert Query :
index=* host=*MYhost* "*IN-RCMCO-DLY*" OR "*ADJ-RECERT-DLY*" OR *AD*-*Y*" FAILED job_status2=FAILED OR status=FAILED OR status1=FAILED OR ExitCode=FAILED | rex field=_raw ".*status:\s\[(?P<status1>\S+)\]" | rex field=_raw "JOB\s(?P<job_status2>\w+)" |rex field=_raw "(exitCode=)(?<ExitCode>\w+)"
| eval _raw=substr(_raw, 1, 1500)
| table _time job_status2 status1 status ExitCode _raw
22-08-28 18:01:31,323 INFO [main] c.l.b.listener.JobCompletionListener: :::::::::::::::BATCH JOB FAILED:::::::::::JobExecution: id=21099, version=1, startTime=Sun Aug 28 18:01:29 CDT 2022, endTime=Sun Aug 28 18:01:31 CDT 2022, lastUpdated=Sun Aug 28 18:01:29 CDT 2022, status=FAILED, exitStatus=exitCode=FAILED;exitDescription=com.ltss.fw.exception.ApplicationException: Error occured while processing appDocument: In catch block, exception stackTrace,job=[JobInstance: id=21099, version=0, Job=[ADM-FILENET-DLY]], jobParameters=[{chunkSize=null, skipLimit=null, commitInterval=null, time=1661727689449, asOfDate=1661662800000}]
The alert mechanism cannot edit your results for you. You must modify the search to return only the results you want in the message.
Hi @richgalloway, thanks for the response. Iam looking for search results in the mail but not the complete search results but want only the failed job name : "Job=[ADM-FILENET-DLY]]"
The alert mechanism cannot edit your results for you. You must modify the search to return only the results you want in the message.
Edit the alert and deselect the box the "Inline" box to prevent Splunk from putting the search results in the alert message. By default, the alert name is part of the subject field, as shown below