Hi, We have an alert to detect OutOfMemort errors which runs every minute and checks for the last minute. Noticed that the alert was not triggered for around 20 minutes even though the search meets the criteria to trigger an alert.
Checked the schedular log and the alert is not skipped. Its strange to see result_count=0 as there was an error at 14:14:19.
Any reasons why this would happen or anything else I might want to check?
05-02-2020 14:15:04.388 -0500 INFO SavedSplunker - savedsearch_id="nobody;search;DOIT(1m)-JBOSS 7 OutOfMemory", search_type="scheduled", user="4120", app="search", savedsearch_name="DOIT(1m)-JBOSS 7 OutOfMemory", priority=default, status=success, digest_mode=1, scheduled_time=1588446900, window_time=0, dispatch_time=1588446904, run_time=0.352, result_count=0, alert_actions="", sid="scheduler_412037search_RMD5f897e3bb04038a2c_at_1588446900_8314", suppressed=0, thread_id="AlertNotifierWorker-0", workload_pool=""