I have installed alert manager app and followed documentation for installation.
I have splunk 7.2.4 on a single instance server and Alert manager 2.2.0 add-on. I also installed Python for scientific Computing in Splunk.
After this steps i created an index in my splunk instance :
| Name | Type | App | Current Size | Max Size |
| alerts | Events | alert_manager | 1MB | 500GB |
In the alert manager apps Settings > Global Settings menu, i applied the following configuration :
Index: alerts
Default Owner: unassigned
Default Priority: low
Number of incidents show in incident posture: 20
- Save incident results to KVStore (checked)
- Index incident results (Not checked)
- Automatically close informational events (Not checked)
Status to use for automatically closed informational events: auto_info_resolved
Alert Action Defaults
Impact: low
Urgency: low
After applied this configuration, i went in my Machine learning toolkit splunk application and i generate an alert with parameter Trigger Actions:
When triggered :
- Add to Triggered Alerts
- Alert Manager
Title: Test
Impact: low
Urgency: low
Owner: Unassigned
But with all this configuration nothing appear in the alerts index and in the alert manager dashboard.
Any idea ?