I'm trying to create an alert that triggeres if the count of dropped/denied/blocked packets within one day is three times average count of dropped packets in the last 3 weeks.
The search for the packets dropped in the last 24 hours:
sourcetype=syslog status=deny |where status="deny" OR status="blocked" OR status="dropped" |bucket _time span=1d | eventstats count(status) AS statcount BY _time | table statcount | dedup statcount
The search for the average packets dropped in the last 3 weeks per day:
sourcetype=syslog status=deny |where status="deny" OR status="blocked" OR status="dropped" |bucket _time span=3w | eventstats count(status) AS statcount BY _time | eval packs = statcount/21 | table packs | dedup packs
So my question is how can i trigger an alert if the result of the first search is 3 times higher than the result of the second search.
You'll need to do both calculations in one go, something like this:
sourcetype=syslog (status="deny" OR status="blocked" OR status="dropped") | timechart span=1d count
That gives you a daily count. Now you can get the average and bottom value by appending this:
... | stats avg(count) as avg last(count) as last
From that, you can do whatever maths and filtering you like with eval
and where
You'll need to do both calculations in one go, something like this:
sourcetype=syslog (status="deny" OR status="blocked" OR status="dropped") | timechart span=1d count
That gives you a daily count. Now you can get the average and bottom value by appending this:
... | stats avg(count) as avg last(count) as last
From that, you can do whatever maths and filtering you like with eval
and where
Set the time range to the last three weeks.
Hey! Thank you.
It seemed to work, but how do i specify that the average taken from the last 3 weeks?
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