What’s a good search query I can use to notify me any time a new index or sourcetype is created with a 7 day range.
hello there,
partial answer here, indexes first.
here is how to check if an index was created, note: did not check in indexer cluster configuration but i assume its the same or close
index = _audit action=indexes_edit info=granted operation=create
| stats values(object) as new_index_created by _time splunk_server
| rename _time as creation_time splunk_server as indexer
as for sourcetype,
you can use the |metadata type=sourcetypes
maybe with | outputslookup
command to generate a lookup of sourcetype names and the last time they were seen by splunk and than have a search to run against new data and match to existing lookup table to see if there are any new sourcetypes
hope it helps
hello there,
partial answer here, indexes first.
here is how to check if an index was created, note: did not check in indexer cluster configuration but i assume its the same or close
index = _audit action=indexes_edit info=granted operation=create
| stats values(object) as new_index_created by _time splunk_server
| rename _time as creation_time splunk_server as indexer
as for sourcetype,
you can use the |metadata type=sourcetypes
maybe with | outputslookup
command to generate a lookup of sourcetype names and the last time they were seen by splunk and than have a search to run against new data and match to existing lookup table to see if there are any new sourcetypes
hope it helps
Hi Adonio,
Thanks for your response, but I'm looking for a way to identify when new data is added to splunk. For example lets say sourcefire data is added and a new index called index=sourcefire is created. How can I get an alert when something new is added to splunk?
please refer back to the answer, the search above tells you when a new index was configured.
for sourcetypes, you can use the I metadata type=sourcetype
try it and see the result. you can capture a new sourcetype by the first and last field values that this command genarates
you can use | rest /services/data/indexes
That just give me a list of index, I’m looking for a search that will give me a list of new index created in the last 7 days
on the indexer run:
tail -f /opt/splunk/var/log/splunk/splunkd.log | grep index_name
then create and index and catch the log line, and you should find this log on _internal index