My data looks like this:
ID: 123
For each minute I want to know the last value that was known in that minute. How can I achieve this?
The ID is not updated every minute, so if the latest value for a given id at the moment 12:41 is 10 I want the same number for 12:42.
I've tried something like this:
index="" | bin span=1m _time | streamstats current=f window=1440 last(value) AS last_value by id
But I have the feeling I am missing a part.
Thanks in advance.
I think what you're looking for is this.
index = someindex
| fields _time, value, id
| timechart span=1m latest(value) as value by id limit=0
| filldown
If this id has never had a value in the selected time range, then it won't show up.
I think what you're looking for is this.
index = someindex
| fields _time, value, id
| timechart span=1m latest(value) as value by id limit=0
| filldown
If this id has never had a value in the selected time range, then it won't show up.
Thanks this is the beginning for what I was looking for.
After this search I want to be able to count the occurrence of each value by time, any idea?
You're welcome.
The occurrence, is this going to be a separate search? or you want to append to the results of this search?
The best way would be to append to this result. But a seperate search would be fine too.
Does adding _time at the end of your by id
clause help?
by id _time
No that is not working. The problem is that if you group by id and _time it will not find the latest value before that time if the value for that minute doesn't exist.