I have successfully used appendcol to gather percentage of successful and failed scans. I would like to make this data into a pie chart for my dashboard.
When I click visualization-> pie chart it is all one color.
Here is my search
index="secops" sourcetype="tenable:sc:vuln" plugin_id=19506 pluginText!="*Host_Scan*" | dedup ip | search pluginText="*Credentialed checks : no*" | stats count(plugin_id) as failed_scans | appendcols [search index="secops" sourcetype="tenable:sc:vuln" plugin_id=19506 pluginText!="*Host_Scan*" | dedup ip | search pluginText="*Credentialed checks : yes*" | stats count(plugin_id) as successful_scans] | eval total_scans=(failed_scans+successful_scans) | eval failed_percent=(failed_scans/total_scans*100) | eval failed_percent=round(failed_percent,2) | eval success_percent=(successful_scans/total_scans*100) | eval success_percent=round(success_percent,2) | table success_percent failed_percent
Thank you in advanced.
Corrected typo for match() condition which does not need *
@fbond_diligent as your final pipe if you add transpose command it should show Pie chart (convert result columns to rows).
| transpose
However, there are a lot of performance steps that you need to adopt. https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/8.0.5/Search/Writebettersearches
index="secops" sourcetype="tenable:sc:vuln" plugin_id=19506 pluginText!="*Host_Scan*" pluginText IN ("*Credentialed checks : yes*","*Credentialed checks : no*")
| stats count as total_scans count(eval(match(pluginText,"Credentialed checks : no"))) as failed_scans count(eval(match(pluginText,"Credentialed checks : yes"))) as successful_scans by ip
| stats sum(*_scans) as *_scans
| eval failed_percent=round((failed_scans/total_scans*100),2), success_percent=round((success_percent/total_scans*100),2)
| fields success_percent failed_percent
| transpose 0 header_field="status"
| rename "row 1" as percent
Thank you for your reply, I will take a look at the website your provided.
However when I try your search I am getting the following error:
Error in 'stats' command: The eval expression for dynamic field 'eval(match(pluginText,"*Credentialed checks : no*"))' is invalid. Error='Regex: quantifier does not follow a repeatable item'.
Thank you,
@fbond_diligent sorry for the copy paste issue. match() condition is regex based. So * is not required. Please check updated SPL.