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- Posted Re: How to Perform a Lookup in Splunk When Some Fields in the Lookup Table Are Empty ? on Splunk Search. a week ago
- Posted Re: How to Perform a Lookup in Splunk When Some Fields in the Lookup Table Are Empty ? on Splunk Search. a week ago
- Posted How to Perform a Lookup in Splunk When Some Fields in the Lookup Table Are Empty ? on Splunk Search. a week ago
- Posted Re: "Connection was reset" when trying to make an API request using CURL on Security. 2 weeks ago
- Posted "Connection was reset" when trying to make an API request using CURL on Security. 2 weeks ago
- Karma Re: Add-on for LDAP: Why am I only getting a few attributes back from ldapsearch (from SA-ldapsearch 2.2.3 and Splunk 6.3.2)? for BlueSocket. 3 weeks ago
- Posted Re: How do I add yesterday's date to an emailed report subject? on Reporting. 01-07-2025 05:28 AM
- Karma Re: How do I add yesterday's date to an emailed report subject? for woodcock. 01-07-2025 05:26 AM
- Posted Help with the Splunk Add-on Builder - creating a custom Python app on Splunk Dev. 11-15-2024 06:35 AM
- Karma Re: Is it possible to loadjob a post-processed search? for nick405060. 11-06-2024 06:41 AM
- Karma Re: How to set loading order for panels? for woodcock. 10-03-2024 06:45 AM
- Posted Re: How to increase height of input text box html dashboard on Dashboards & Visualizations. 10-03-2024 01:20 AM
- Posted Re: How to increase height of input text box html dashboard on Dashboards & Visualizations. 10-03-2024 12:22 AM
- Posted Help with token setting and unsetting on Splunk Search. 09-18-2024 06:47 AM
- Posted Re: Conditional token usage on Dashboards & Visualizations. 08-15-2024 06:31 AM
- Karma Re: Conditional token usage for ITWhisperer. 08-15-2024 06:31 AM
- Posted Re: Conditional token usage on Dashboards & Visualizations. 08-15-2024 05:14 AM
- Posted Re: Conditional token usage on Dashboards & Visualizations. 08-15-2024 02:45 AM
- Posted Conditional token usage on Dashboards & Visualizations. 08-15-2024 02:00 AM
- Got Karma for Getting Microsoft Teams Data into Splunk?. 07-10-2024 12:26 PM
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06:13 AM
Sorry to bring up such an old topic, but would really appreciate if you could share an example.
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- Tags:
- other
05:49 AM
I`m looking to export a scheduled report using the REST API but I`m struggling with the syntax.
I was able to run a new search inside "curl" and export it, but can`t seem to be able to do the same for saved reports.
Would be grateful if someone could help with the syntax for exporting the following report as a CSV file:
curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer myValidToken"
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12:49 AM
Worked like a charm, much appreciated.
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01:28 AM
Hi Everyone, I`m learning about the Splunk REST API and I`m experiencing some temperamental behaviour, for example I can fetch results using the query listed below from some reports, but it fails for others, example below: curl -k -H "Authorization: Splunk myValidToken" Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<msg type="ERROR">Could not find object id=[LOOKUP] Active Directory Devices No2</msg>
</response> The report name is correct. Have you got any suggestions for me ? Many thanks, Toma
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01:50 PM
Thanks for the reply. I`ve managed to create the token using a native user account and I can successfully query the Admin Config Services API, but I`m having issues getting data from the REST API, receiving a timed out message. curl https://[myValidStackName] Am I using the correct endpoint ? Also, can the REST API be queried using the token, or do I have to provide credentials ? Many thanks.
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04:06 AM
I`m trying to query Splunk Cloud using the REST API so that I can export some data externally, however I`m not entirely sure how to download/install/configure the ACS Open API 3.0 specification. The Splunk documentation is a bit ambiguous.
I`m also unable to setup a new authentication token, receiving the error below. I`m using an admin account.
curl -u username:password -X POST[myValidStackName]/adminconfig/v2/tokens {"code":"401-unauthorized","message":"{\"messages\":[{\"type\":\"ERROR\",\"text\":\"Unauthorized\"}]}. Please refer for general troubleshooting tips."}
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- Labels:
using Splunk Cloud
05:09 AM
Hi, Can someone recommend a way to save the results of a Splunk search locally or to shared drive? We`re using a hybrid deployment (Cloud and Enterprise), but the data we require is available in Cloud only. Many thanks, Toma
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- Labels:
04:46 AM
We have a requirement to share a Splunk report externally and I`m aware we can achieve this by using iframes to embed the report. My question is who can access the iframe - assuming it`s everyone who has a copy of the iframe/URL - and if there`s a way to restrict access to certain users only ? Can the restriction be applied within Splunk, or does it need to be applied within the external web app that we`re sharing with ?
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11:08 AM
Hi Everyone, I was reading through this article that led me to believe it`s possible to display external web content in Splunk, however it doesn`t appear to be working for me. Interestingly, it works fine outside of Splunk (ie: if I save the source as an HTML file locally on my computer), but it doesn`t display the iframe if I put it in a Splunk dashboard. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Source code below. <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<dashboard version="1.1">
<label>My iFrame Dashboard</label>
<h2>Embedded Web Page!</h2>
<iframe src="https://myValidDomainName" width="100%" height="300">></iframe>
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- Labels:
03:46 AM
The following article answered all my questions: Thanks.
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05:10 AM
Hi Paul, Unfortunately I didn`t get that far - when I created a new input in Splunk - add Teams Webhook, there`s no option to specify the URL, as per the screenshot attached. So I`m not sure where/how the webhook needs to be defined.
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04:57 AM
Thanks Paul, The Microsoft Teams Add-on for Spunk includes a Microsoft Teams-specific webhook that I`ve configured, but the documentation (link above) does not include the webhook URL for me to test., which is what I`m after.
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01:30 AM
1 Karma
I`m following this article in an attempt to ingest Teams data into Splunk and I need some help with testing the webhook - can someone confirm what the webhook URL is ?
curl WEBHOOK_ADDRESS -d '{"value": "test"}'
Also, looking at the documentation for the Teams Add-on for Splunk it states that "theTeams Webhook is not available for Splunk Cloud installations." - has anyone found an alternative solution for Cloud Deployments ?
We use Splunk in a hybrid (cloud + on prem) environment.
Many thanks.
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- Tags:
- add-on
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05:35 AM
Thanks Paul, I made the mistake of encapsulating $tokenFilter$ in double quotes. Works fine without the quotes.
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05:08 AM
Thanks Paul, unfortunately it now does the opposite as before: displays correctly when the checkbox is selected and no content when it`s checked.
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03:15 AM
I have the following search which returns a table of all hostnames and operating systems.
| inputlookup hosts.csv | search OS="*server*" | table hostname, OS
I would like to add a checkbox to exclude Windows Server 2008 builds. This is what I have so far:
<row> <panel> <input type="checkbox" token="checkbox" searchWhenChanged="true"> <label></label> <choice value="Windows Server 2008*">Exclude Server 2008</choice> <change> <condition match="$checkbox$=="Enabled""> <set token="setToken">1</set> </condition> <condition> <unset token="setToken"></unset> </condition> </change> </input> </panel> </row>
New panel to show server builds depending on the checkbox:
| inputlookup hosts.csv | search OS="*server*" AND OS!="$checkbox$" | stats count as total
This only works when the checkbox is selected and correctly excludes the 2008 builds from the search, but doesn`t display anything when the checkbox is unselected. I would like to display all devices when the checkbox is unselected.
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08:14 AM
How would this work if the csv file is located in Splunk Cloud and needed to be copied over to our Enterprise SH ? I had a look at the documentation, but couldn`t get it working. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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- Tags:
- ConfigurationSync
05:55 AM
Here`s another way to hide the drilldown panel: <row depends="$tokenName$"> <panel> <single> <search> <query> |makeresults |eval label="Close" </query> </search> <option name="drilldown">all</option> <option name="height">50</option> <drilldown> <unset token="tokenName"></unset> </drilldown> </single> </panel> </row>
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07:07 AM
Recently we needed to update the Client Secret for one of our tenants and I wanted to ask what is the most efficient way of tracking what the token expiry date is and to create an alert in Splunk? I had a look at the logs and couldn`t find anything to indicate when the access token is about to expire.
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09:46 AM
Hi yuanliu, Appreciate the response, exactly what I needed.
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- Tags:
- lookup
06:35 AM
Hi Everyone, I have a field called "User" that contains similar values and I was wondering how to remove or merge similar values? For example: "Tony W" and "Anthony W" (both values of the same field) should be merged together. I was looking at the fuzzy search and jellyfish apps on SplunkBase, but couldn't find a solution to the problem. My search query: (index="abc" Name=*) OR (index="xyz" department=* displayName=*) | eval User=if(isnull(Name), upper(displayName), upper(Name)) | stats values(department) as department by User
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- Labels:
02:29 AM
Hi All, The solution was very simple, I had to create another static token="tokShift" and edit the drilldown as follows: - for the overall pie chart: "tokShift"=* - for the day pie chart: "tokShift"=Day for the night pie chart: "tokShift"=Night Also had to pass the token to the table panel: | search agent="$tokNames$" shift="$tokShift$" Regards, Toma
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08:02 AM
Hi Everyone,
I have 3 pie charts in a panel, showing agent statistics as follows:
- 1st pie chart displays overall statistics split by analyst;
- 2nd pie chart displays daily statistics split by analyst ( | where shift="Day")
- 3rd pie chart displays nightly statistics split by analyst ( | where shift="Night").
I've created a drilldown which works fine for the overall pie chart and it correctly displays the data in another panel based on the value of the slice. To accomplish this I`ve created a token called "tokNames" and assigned an initial value of ALL *.
<init> <set token="tokNames">*</set> </init>
Drilldown for the Overall pie chart:
<drilldown> <set token="tokNames">$click.value$</set> </drilldown>
The problem starts with the daily and nightly pie charts - when I click on a name, it displays all the statistics of that particular agent, instead of showing only the daily or only the nightly statistics.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
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- Labels:
02:18 AM
This is what did the trick for me, although I am convinced there are more elegant ways of writing this search. {location_desc}=_time - > pairs each Entrance and Exit with it`s corresponding timestamp Key was to stitch the data together using mvzip then to expand it using mvexpand so I can have Entrance and Exit times displayed on the same row. Search details: | fields first_name last_name _time, location_desc | eval location_desc=if(match(location_desc,"OUT"), "Exit", "Entrance") | eval name=first_name." ".last_name, {location_desc}=_time | stats values(Entrance) as Entrance values(Exit) as Exit by name | eval combined_data=mvzip(Entrance,Exit,"|") | mvexpand combined_data | eval fields=split(combined_data, "|"), Entrance=mvindex(fields,0), Exit=mvindex(fields,1), duration=round((Exit-Entrance)/3600, 2), Entrance=strftime(Entrance, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"), Exit=strftime(Exit, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") | table name, Entrance, Exit duration
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05:28 AM
@gcusello Thanks. I`ve also looked at the transaction command, but I`m only getting the swipe_in time stamp and missing the swipe_out data. Duration is calculated OK, but ideally I`d like to be able to display a table that contains: swipe_in swipe_out duration 2022-10-17 08:02:19 2022-10-17 16:02:19 08:00:00 This is what I`m currently getting: location_desc _time duration swipe_in swipe_out 2022-10-17 08:02:19 08:45:18 swipe_in swipe_out 2022-10-11 08:04:37 08:26:48 swipe_in swipe_out 2022-10-10 08:15:24 08:05:37
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