Hi There! I'm having the dropdown "office" in dashboard 1 as a multiselect (full office, half office), based on the selection it should display the results in dashboard 1, In the dashboard 1, I have a pie chart, If i click the pie chart It need to take to dashboard 2 which consists of same dropdown "office" as multiselect (full office, half office, non-compliant office), If in case I'm clicking pie chart of dashboard 1 when office value is full office, half office, if should shows the same in dashboard 2 and in dashboard 2 has some panels, its should the using the value. I had configured the link already, the problem is if we are adding prefix value as " and postfix " and delimiter , it will pass the same to next dashboard 2 dropdown, so that I didn't get the result of panels in dashboard 2. I need solution for this? Thanks, Manoj Kumar S
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