This is ugly, but it might work for you. This is modified from a query I ran on my own test data, so it may need tinkering.
index=test-tibco parent_job_id=80353 | eval foo=event_time . "::" . child_job_id ."::" . MessageText . "::" | transaction service_name, parent_job_id | rex max_match=20 field=foo "^(? .?)::(? . ?)::(? .*?)::\s" | table service_name, parent_job_id, EventTime, ChildJobId, MessageTextItem
The first eval joins your three target three fields into one field for each event. I used a double colon to join, but it can be any character sequence that doesn't appear in your data. After the transaction command, foo contains the sequence of all events in the transaction. The rex command splits the foo field back into its components. Note the max match parameter must be set to some number greater than 1 to match multiple entries in the field. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a way to make it unlimited (setting it to 0 didn't work), so you'll have to set it high enough to cover the maximum number of transaction events in your environment. I don't know what the performance implications of a high max match would be.
Miscellaneous notes: Your MessageText field has spaces in the data, while my test data does not. Since there is a terminating :: delimiter at the end of foo, I think this will still work, but those spaces are something to keep in mind if you have to play with the regex. Also, I tried to keep the three fields joined as one, but the formatting didn't work out; trying to figure out tab characters in headers and such didn't make sense.
I hope this helps.
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