Vienna User Group

Vienna Splunk Meetup 2021 Q1


Per Field Throttling

Throttle alert per field from the Alert settings page:


Alert Throttle for 7 days per error_name


| inputlookup alert_lookup_example.csv append=true
| eval now=now(), alerted_time = coalesce(alerted_time, now)
| stats min(alerted_time) as alerted_time, max(now) as now by error_name
| eval throwout_threshhold = now - (3600 * 24 * 7)
| where alerted_time > throwout_threshhold 
| outputlookup alert_lookup_example.csv
| where alerted_time = now


Errors seen within last 7 days, but not in last 7-14 days


| makeresults count=100
| streamstats count as day
| eval error_name=case(day = 15, "error0", day = 8, "error1", day = 6, "error2", day % 3 = 0, "error3", day % 2 = 0, "error4")
| eval _time = _time - (day * 3600 * 24)
| where isnotnull(error_name)
| inputlookup alert_lookup_example.csv append=true
| stats min(_time) as _time by error_name
| where _time >= now() - (3600 * 24 * 14)
| outputlookup alert_lookup_example.csv
| where _time >= now() - (3600 * 24 * 7)



Time Filter on Lookups

Filter a lookup containing _time with a timepicker


| inputlookup mylookup.csv WHERE [
  | makeresults count=1
  | addinfo
  | eval search="( ( _time >= " . info_min_time . " ) AND ( _time < " . replace(info_max_time, "\+Infinity", "2147483647") . " ) )"
  | table search



Fill holes in timecharts

Fill last 14 days with some events to make sure timechart is continuous.

If you need a count, use eval count=1 for real events and count=0 for created events and make sum(count) as count to get real event count.


index=_internal date_wday=tuesday
| eval count=1
| append [ 
    | gentimes start=-14 end=-1 increment=1d 
    | eval _time=starttime, count=0
    | fields _time, count
| timechart span=1d sum(count) as count
| timechart span=1d count
| append [ 
    | gentimes start=-14 end=-1 increment=1d 
    | eval _time=starttime, count=0
    | fields _time, count
| timechart span=1d sum(count) as count



Peters Sample Dashboard

<too big, see attachments>


Using Timewrap makes the timeline specific to your searchframe


index=_internal group="per_sourcetype_thruput" sourcetype=splunkd earliest="-2d@d" latest="@h"
| timechart span=1h avg(eps)
| timewrap series=exact time_format="%d-%m-%Y" 1d


Using alternative that makes the timeframe to start at 00:00 and end at 23:59


index=_internal group="per_sourcetype_thruput" sourcetype=splunkd earliest="-2d@d" latest="@h"
| bin _time span=1h
| addinfo
| eval date = "avg(eps)_" . strftime(_time,"%d-%m-%Y"), _time = strptime(strftime(info_max_time, "%d-%m-%Y") .  " " . strftime(_time,"%H:%M:%S"), "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S")
| chart avg(eps) over _time by date


Trick how to get the previous result with using timewrap


index=_internal group="per_sourcetype_thruput" sourcetype=splunkd earliest="-2d@d" latest="+1d@d"
| timechart span=1h avg(eps)
| timewrap series=exact time_format="%d-%m-%Y" 1d




Example Dashboard


      | makeresults 
      | addinfo 
      | eval _time = info_min_time | reltime | rename reltime as reltime1
      | eval _time = info_max_time | reltime | rename reltime as reltime2
      <set token="reltime1">$result.reltime1$</set>
      <set token="reltime2">$result.reltime2$</set>
  <fieldset submitButton="false">
    <input type="time" token="time_token">
      <title>Events between $reltime1$ and $reltime2$</title>
            | makeresults 
            | addinfo 
            | eval _time = info_min_time | reltime | rename reltime as reltime1
            | eval _time = info_max_time | reltime | rename reltime as reltime2
        <option name="drilldown">none</option>
        <option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>




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