Splunk User Behavior Analytics

Splunk UBA - caspida-ui is dead and pid file exists[FAILED]

Path Finder

Why Splunk UBA UI is not starting in a cluster?

[caspida@xxxxxxx bin]$ ./Caspida status
IP - xxxxxxx
Mon Dec 28 10:38:48 IST 2020: Running: ./Caspida status
checking status of: caspida-jobmanager
Caspida Job Manager is running[ OK ]
checking status of: caspida-ui
caspida-ui is dead and pid file exists[FAILED]
caspida-ui status: return value: 1
[caspida@xxxxxxx bin]$ ./Caspida start-service caspida-ui
IP - xxxxxxx
Mon Dec 28 10:39:29 IST 2020: Running: ./Caspida start-service caspida-ui
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You can run /opt/caspida/bin/utils/uba_health_check.sh and check the output for errors. If you can find something that may cause splunk ui fails, you should better create a support ticket.

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Hi @kishor_pinjark2,

Did you try restarting all services from master node?

[caspida@xxxxxxx bin]$ ./Caspida stop-all

[caspida@xxxxxxx bin]$ ./Caspida start-all

And if works you should check if all live data sources started successfully. On some versions data sources should start manually after restart.


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Path Finder

Yes, tried stop-all and start-all command many times. Also, server reboot done and start-all command ran.
Still facing same problem.

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