Data example:
<Asset href="/company/rest-1.v1/Data/Story/2530981/6709286" id="Story:2530981:6709286"><Attribute name="Status.Name">Ready</Attribute><Attribute name="Number">B-107445</Attribute><Attribute name="Name">Upgrade Splunk Windows TA</Attribute><Attribute name="ChangeDate">2020-01-29T13:49:44.337</Attribute><Attribute name="CreateDate">2019-03-12T12:49:22.703</Attribute><Attribute name="Owners.Name"><Value>owner one</Value><Value>owner two</Value></Attribute></Asset>
<Asset href="/company/rest-1.v1/Data/Story/3644941/6720976" id="Story:3644941:6720976"><Attribute name="Status.Name">Ready</Attribute><Attribute name="Number">B-143465</Attribute><Attribute name="Name">Review/Upgrade Splunk_TA_Nix to v7</Attribute><Attribute name="ChangeDate">2020-01-30T12:54:07.103</Attribute><Attribute name="CreateDate">2020-01-15T10:40:49.307</Attribute><Attribute name="Owners.Name"><Value>owner one</Value></Attribute></Asset>
I've gotten my XML to seperate into events finally, but I'm being thrown by trying to get the fields to work. I'd like to have
Status.Name = Ready
Number = B-143465
ChangeDate = 2020-01-30T12:54:07.103
and so on
I created this regex using the field extractor and regex101:
^(?:[^>\n]*>){2}(?P<Status_Name>\w+\s+\w+|\w+)(?:[^>\n]*>){2}(?P<Number>\w+\-\d+)[^ \n]* \w+="\w+">(?P<Name>[^<]+)[^ \n]* \w+="\w+">(?P<ChangeDate>[^<]+)(?:[^"\n]*"){2}>(?<CreateDate>[^<]+)(?:[^"\n]*"){2}><\w+>(?P<Owners_Name>\w+\s+\w+)
which gets me most of the way there, but it won't work for the multiple owner values.
Can someone suggest a fix here? Also, if you could also suggest some help in implementing the regex in a transforms, I'd appreciate it. I think I can call it using
REPORT-V1 = v1_fields
REGEX = ^(?:[^>\n]*>){2}(?P<Status_Name>\w+\s+\w+|\w+)(?:[^>\n]*>){2}(?P<Number>\w+\-\d+)[^ \n]* \w+="\w+">(?P<Name>[^<]+)[^ \n]* \w+="\w+">(?P<ChangeDate>[^<]+)(?:[^"\n]*"){2}>(?<CreateDate>[^<]+)(?:[^"\n]*"){2}><\w+>(?P<Owners_Name>\w+\s+\w+)
But I don't know if I need to add a FORMAT = $1::$2 line (nor do I know what that line does ... )
Any help you can provide here would be great.
I've also tried KV_MODE=xml on the search head, but that doesn't give me the field names I want, just values for
REGEX = \<Attribute name=\"([^\"]+)\"\>(?:\<Value\>)?(.*?)(?:\<\/Value\>)?\<\/Attribute\>
FORMAT = $1::$2
REGEX = \<Attribute name=\"([^\"]+)\"\>(?:\<Value\>)?(.*?)(?:\<\/Value\>)?\<\/Attribute\>
FORMAT = $1::$2
That works in regex101, to an extent.
The Owners.Name field keeps the closed/open tags between the names, like
owner one< /value> <value>owner two
Is there any way around this, or is this the best that can happen?
and this is search time field extractions, so I need to put it on the search head, not the ingest host. thanks for that.
Also, thank you for your help, and for explaining the transforms.
[first trans]
REGEX = \<Attribute name=\"([^\"]+)\"\>(.*?)\<\/Attribute\>
FORMAT = $1::$2
[second trans]
SOURCE_KEY = "Owners.Name"
REGEX = \<value\>(.*?)\<\/value\>
FORMAT = Owners_name::$1
MV_ADD = true
Thanks for your help. Unfortunately, I'm still getting
< Value>name one< /Value>< Value>name two< /Value>
minus the spaces.
Transforms.conf is :
REGEX = <Attribute name=\"([^\"]+)\">(.*?)<\/Attribute>
SOURCE_KEY = "Owners.Name"
REGEX = \<Value\>(.*?)\<\/Value\>
FORMAT = Owners.Name::$1
MV_ADD = true
I make the Value uppercase in the regex, and adjusted Format from Owners_name to Owners.Name, but no help. Props looks like:
REPORT-v1 = version1_fields
REPORT-v12 = v1_ownername
I changed props to
REPORT-v1 = version1_fields,v1_ownername
and restarted, but nothing useful happened unfortunately, still seeing the multiple values in the same value surrounded by the < Value>< \Value>
second trans
aims only to extract field.
Owners.Name 's value has < Value>
and how's Owners_name ?
Why I separated fields is to check field name correct.
If Owners_name is nothing, you should fix it.
This is the final props & transforms that finally worked, thanks again for all your help
REGEX = \<Attribute name=\"([^\"]+)\"\>(.*?)\<\/Attribute\>
SOURCE_KEY = Owners_Name
REGEX = \<Value\>(?<Owner>.*?)\<\/Value\>
MV_ADD = true