This is the format of data what iam trying to extract using regex.Since both the datas are values of same instance i want to exctract these both values using 1 regex so as to compare it with other values
... | rex field=_raw "(?<value>(\w\d\.\w+\-\w+\.\d{4}\-\d{8})|(\w\d\.\w+\.\d{4}\.d{7}))"| table value
this is what i have tried but it is fetching only the data matching with the first bracket ie A1.abc-ab.1000.11111 .Please help
There are a couple of errors in your regex, and you're probably making it too complicated. \w
also matches digits, and you're missing the backslash for the last \d
. Using character classes ([]) simplifies a lot.
rex field=_raw "\s(?<value>[\w]+\.[\w-]+\.\d+\.\d+)\s"
should do it. Note that this may also capture other stuff in your log. Please post some a couple of log events to get better answers.
Hope this helps,
updated. /k