I want to use the subsearch to get start and endtime of the newest transaction (here a botsession).
The subsearch alone gives me:
starttime= 09/01/2021:17:28:49
endtime= 09/01/2021:19:42:50
At first i used the subsearch without strftime()
but Splunk said earliest/latest cant parse epochtime and that it wants format %m/%d/%Y:%H:%M:%S
that brings me to my current search where splunk says "Invalid value "starttime" for time term 'earliest'"
When i use the results of the subsearch when running alone it works.
How can i make use of the start-/endtime?
Or is there a better method to limit my mainsearch for the newest botsession?
My Search (not the final search, but i want to work with the events from a specific session):
[search index=fishingbot
| transaction startswith="Anmeldung erfolgreich!" endswith="deaktiviert!"
| eval endtime=strftime((_time+duration), "%m/%d/%Y:%H:%M:%S")
| eval starttime=strftime(_time, "%m/%d/%Y:%H:%M:%S")
| top starttime endtime limit=1
| table starttime endtime]
earliest=starttime latest=endtime
Just return properly named fields from your subsearch. So don't do
[[...] | table start end ] earliest=start latest=end
Because it won't work.
[[...] | table start end | rename start as earliest | rename end as latest ]
Just return properly named fields from your subsearch. So don't do
[[...] | table start end ] earliest=start latest=end
Because it won't work.
[[...] | table start end | rename start as earliest | rename end as latest ]
Thanks! That works.
So with naming the times in the subsearch to earliest/latest splunk will automatically use them as timerange.
Good to know 🙂
Yes, the results of the subsearch are directly inserted as parameters for search. I can't find it specified anywhere explicitly but it looks that if the resulting set contains multiple fields, they are added with an implicit AND (like in your case - earliest=something AND latest=something) but if you have multiple rows of the same column, they are added with an implicit OR
index=windows [ index=windows | stats top 2 source | table source ]
Should search for events that have their source field set to one of two most often appearing values.