I'm trying to chart typical week of our web application users based on data from last 4 weeks. Idea is, roughly explained, that I would calculate sum of request group (login, user accounts, etc - already done) per day and then created some type of "7 day window" in which there would be (seen in a graph) only 7 days but each day would be average of that day from last month.
So in a graph there would be (for example in case of request_group='login'):
Monday - 10 - which si average of sum in all mondays (10, 10, 5, 15, 10)
Tuesday - 8 - which is avg of sum in all tuesdays (8, 10, 6, 8, 😎
...and so on up until Sunday
part of my search is:
host "server" sourcetype="access_combined"
... some eval stuff ...
| fields _time request_group
... here should by magic calculating data ...
Thank you in advance. I've already tried different approach using streamstats or timewrap, but nothing worked as I intended.
index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd_access
| bin _time span=1d
| stats count by date_wday,_time
| stats avg(count) as average by date_wday
index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd_access
| bin _time span=1d
| stats count by date_wday,_time
| stats avg(count) as average by date_wday
thank you for your hint. I was able to include this into my search, so last part in my case looks like this:
host "server" sourcetype="access_combined"
... some eval stuff ...
| fields date_wday _time request_group
| search request_group!="other"
| bin _time span=1d
| stats count by date_wday,request_group,_time
| chart avg(count) as prumer by date_wday,request_group
| eval sort_field = case(date_wday=="monday", 1,
date_wday=="tuesday", 2,
date_wday=="wednesday", 3,
date_wday=="thursday", 4,
date_wday=="friday", 5,
date_wday=="saturday", 6,
date_wday=="sunday", 7)
| sort 0 sort_field
sorting is based (coppied 🙂 ) from https://community.splunk.com/t5/Splunk-Search/Days-in-Alphabetical-Order-but-need-to-be-in-day-order...
please like my answer if it solves your problem.:)