I want to have a search, the output of which is the next search stream, provided that each occurred at a common time.
For example: from a source with a specific port is connected to several destinations, and then the search destinations are the first source of the next search, provided that each occurred at the same time.
index=fgt src= dest_port=443 (dest= OR dest= | stats count by src,dest,_time
search 2:
search1 (src= OR src= | stats count by src,dest,_time
I don't understand.
search1 (src= OR src=
effectively expands (assuming that you wanted base search only, not the stats part) to
index=fgt src= dest_port=443 (dest= OR dest= (src= OR src=
Which has two contradicting conditions
(src= OR src=
So effectively it would match nothing at all.
So please elaborate a bit more on what you want to achieve.
no, i want the dest field in search1 be the src field in search 2
Hi @khanlarloo,
let me understand:
you have a search the lists some ssrc values and you want, clicking on one of the resulted values, to run a new search equale to the original, but adding the clicked value, is this correct?
You can easily do this with drilldown, but in a different dashboard.
You can see how to configure drilldown installing on your system the Splunk Dashboard Examples app that describes how to configure drilldown in a different panel of the same dashbord or in a different dashboard.
In few words, you have to configure drilldown using the gui or using source, the result will be something like this:
<link target="_blank">/app/your_app/secondary_dashboard?src=$row.src</link>
and in the secondary dashboard create a panel with a search like this:
index=fgt src= dest_port=443 (dest= OR dest= src=$src$
| stats count by src,dest,_time
No i don't want the drilldown search, i want to have one result from two search
time is important what time that two result happend in two search. the dest field in search1 be the src in search 2 but in one query