tstat works great when there is at least 1 event per day( span=1d).
but when there is no data inserted, it completely ignores that date .
but with timechart we do get a 0 for dates missing data.
how can i get similar output with tstat.. output should show 0 for missing dates..
UPDATE(multiple index):
| tstats count prestats=t where index=name1 ( sourcetype=s1 OR sourcetype=s2 ) earliest=-8d@d latest=-1d@d by _time sourcetype span=1d
| timechart span=1d count by sourcetype
| untable _time sourcetype count
| eval index="name1"
| reverse
| table index sourcetype _time count
| append [ | tstats count prestats=t where index=name2 ....
|eval index="name2"
.... ]
| append [ | tstats count prestats=t where index=name3 ..... ]
UPDATE(Display index):
| tstats count prestats=t where index=name1 ( sourcetype=s1 OR sourcetype=s2 ) earliest=-8d@d latest=-1d@d by _time sourcetype span=1d
| timechart span=1d count by sourcetype
| untable _time sourcetype count
| eval index="name1"
| reverse
| table index sourcetype _time count
Hi, @jiaqya
How about this?
Display index:
| tstats count prestats=t where index=name1 ( sourcetype=s1 OR sourcetype=s2 ) earliest=-8d@d latest=-1d@d by _time sourcetype index span=1d
| stats count by _time index sourcetype
| reverse
| timechart span=1d values(count) as count values(index) as index by sourcetype
| fields - "index: s2"
| rename "index: s1" as index
| rename "count: *" as *
| filldown index
| fillnull
| eval tmp=index.","._time
| fields - index _time
| untable tmp sourcetype count
| eval _time=mvindex(split(tmp,","),1) , index=mvindex(split(tmp,","),0)
| table index sourcetype _time count
maybe works.
UPDATE(multiple index):
| tstats count prestats=t where index=name1 ( sourcetype=s1 OR sourcetype=s2 ) earliest=-8d@d latest=-1d@d by _time sourcetype span=1d
| timechart span=1d count by sourcetype
| untable _time sourcetype count
| eval index="name1"
| reverse
| table index sourcetype _time count
| append [ | tstats count prestats=t where index=name2 ....
|eval index="name2"
.... ]
| append [ | tstats count prestats=t where index=name3 ..... ]
UPDATE(Display index):
| tstats count prestats=t where index=name1 ( sourcetype=s1 OR sourcetype=s2 ) earliest=-8d@d latest=-1d@d by _time sourcetype span=1d
| timechart span=1d count by sourcetype
| untable _time sourcetype count
| eval index="name1"
| reverse
| table index sourcetype _time count
Hi, @jiaqya
How about this?
Display index:
| tstats count prestats=t where index=name1 ( sourcetype=s1 OR sourcetype=s2 ) earliest=-8d@d latest=-1d@d by _time sourcetype index span=1d
| stats count by _time index sourcetype
| reverse
| timechart span=1d values(count) as count values(index) as index by sourcetype
| fields - "index: s2"
| rename "index: s1" as index
| rename "count: *" as *
| filldown index
| fillnull
| eval tmp=index.","._time
| fields - index _time
| untable tmp sourcetype count
| eval _time=mvindex(split(tmp,","),1) , index=mvindex(split(tmp,","),0)
| table index sourcetype _time count
maybe works.
Thanks for helping me on this.
the final output should be similar to below , with index,stype values along with 0 dated records..
index sourcetype _time count
name1 s1 2020-01-11 18765
name1 s1 2020-01-10 37575
name1 s1 2020-01-07 18791
name1 s1 2020-01-06 18789
name1 s1 2020-01-05 18788
Why is the index
No index
is displayed for my answer query.
_time s1 s2
2020-01-11 **** ****
2020-01-10 **** ****
2020-01-09 **** ****
2020-01-08 **** ****
2020-01-07 **** ****
2020-01-06 **** ****
2020-01-05 **** ****
I think the result is.
but i need the index and sourcetype displayed for further processing...
i am getting the desired output with tstats , but without the 0 value records, need the 0 value records also in same format.
my answer is updated.
please confirm.
Thanks for working this, this does work if we consider only 2 source types with exactly the same tabular format.
But in future we may have a lot of sourcetypes , then it will be a problem to update the code for so many sourcetypes
is there a better way to handle this, im sorry if i could not put my question correctly ..
probably also consider multiple indexes and multiple source types...
with my second query(maybe works), please change index and sourcetype:
(index=name1 OR index=name2 ...) (sourcetype=s1 OR sourcetype=s2 OR sourcetype=s3 ...)
It doesn't matter how many sourcetypes you have.
As the index increases, lines 5 and 6 may need to be modified.
Please accept my answer.
This does resolve my problem for now, but once the indexes/stypes increase can look at it later. thanks..
you're welcome.
In multiple indexes case, there is easy way that use append
my answer is updated.
happy splunking.
for the question, this stays answered.
Thanks, this works if its for a single index/stype , will this also work if there are multiple stypes ?
suppose i have another sourcetype s2
my answer is updated. please confirm.
what's your query?
|tstats count where (index=name1 sourcetype=s1 earliest=-8d@d latest=-1d@d) groupby index,sourcetype,_time span=1d|reverse
This is giving me 5 rows , but its missing 8th and 9th date since on those days indexing failed...
i need to see those date rows with other column data (index sourcetype ) and the count should be 0
index sourcetype _time count
name1 s1 2020-01-11 18765
name1 s1 2020-01-10 37575
name1 s1 2020-01-07 18791
name1 s1 2020-01-06 18789
name1 s1 2020-01-05 18788
set fillnull_value=0
more information on https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/8.0.1/SearchReference/Tstats
The fillnull_value
option of tstats
is used when a field has no value.
In this case, the _time
field value is not missing and cannot be used because it is missing as a result of aggregation.
Noted... Understood..
Error in 'stats' command: The argument 'fillnull_value=0' is invalid