I have windows logs and I have extracted the Process ID's and Login ID's. I thought the | eval tonumber would work but it doesn't return anything.
In this example my Login Id is 0x29019c75
index=charlesriver sourcetype="windows_events" WindowsLogonID=0x29019c75 | eval WindowsLoginID=tonumber(WindowsLoginID) | table _time ADLogon WindowsLoginID | sort -WindowsLoginID
(In case you are asking why, we are comparing the login id to what is logged in an application log)
The WindowsLoginID field is represented in Hex format so use following. (see tonumber)
index=charlesriver sourcetype="windows_events" WindowsLogonID=0x29019c75 | eval WindowsLoginID=tonumber(WindowsLoginID,16) | table _time ADLogon WindowsLoginID | sort -WindowsLoginID