I have two fields with different values and I want count on both basis. These are events and hosts occured in log files.
Example -
I have fields like host and event.
Host values are like A , B, C,D.
Events are like reboot , running, shutdown.
And the results should show like -
_time A:reboot A:shutdown B:reboot C:running
00:01 1 2 1 4
00:02 2 4 3 1
00:03 0 1 4 5
00:04 1 2 0 1
| makeresults
| eval host="a;b", events="reboot;running;shutdown"
| makemv delim=";" host
| makemv delim=";" events
| stats values(_time) as _time by host events
| stats sum(eval(events="reboot")) as reboot sum(eval(events="running")) as running sum(eval(events="shutdown")) as shutdown by _time host
| xyseries _time host reboot running shutdown sep="_"
| foreach *_* [ rename <<FIELD>> as <<MATCHSEG2>>_<<MATCHSEG1>>]
| bin _time span=1min
| stats count(eval(events="reboot")) as reboot count(eval(events="running")) as running count(eval(events="shutdown")) as shutdown by _time host
| xyseries _time host reboot running shutdown sep="_"
| foreach *_* [ rename <<FIELD>> as <<MATCHSEG2>>:<<MATCHSEG1>>]
Hi, @sahil237888
@MuS 's way is simple and good.
However, there is a problem.
If there is no status in the search period, the status will not be displayed.
If you need to output 0 as a result of three statuses, use my query.
Hi sahil237888,
you need to create a new field that represent host and the events and use this in the timechart command, take a look at this run everywhere SPL:
| makeresults
| eval host="a;b", events="reboot;running;shutdown"
| makemv delim=";" host
| makemv delim=";" events
| mvexpand host
| mvexpand events
| eval joiner=host .":". events
| timechart span=1min count by joiner
Hope this helps ...
cheers, MuS