I have multiple web portals.
portal= www.xyz.com, www.abc.com
post_method = get | post
Now I want a timechart like values(post_method) by portal
then I want to use trellis option like for each portal there is seperate graph with number of get and post requests.
Like this:
index="YouShouldAlwaysSpecifyAnIdex" AND sourcetype="AndSourcetypeToo" AND portal IN("www.xyz.com", "www.abc.com")
| timechart count(eval(post_method=="get")) AS Gets count(eval(post_method=="post")) AS Posts BY portal
Then the trellis function be functional and you can just click on which split you like ( portal
or post_method
Like this:
index="YouShouldAlwaysSpecifyAnIdex" AND sourcetype="AndSourcetypeToo" AND portal IN("www.xyz.com", "www.abc.com")
| timechart count(eval(post_method=="get")) AS Gets count(eval(post_method=="post")) AS Posts BY portal
Then the trellis function be functional and you can just click on which split you like ( portal
or post_method
it is working now as expected.
you cant timechart strings, what you need is timechart acount of get or post..something like |timechart count by post_method. You of course can not have 2 fields in the by clause.suggest using stats instead something like
|bin span=1h _time|stats count by post_method,portal