Hi at all,
I have a very strange problem that I'm trying to solve.
I have a data source with the following fields:
I have to understand how long a user used network connections in each hour.
the problem is that I could have parallel sessions that I cannor sum because I could have more than 60 minutes of connection in one hour and it isn't acceptable.
In addition I could have a connection from 10.05 to 10.10 and another from 10.45 to 10.50 so I cannot take the start of the first and the end of the second.
Someone can hint how to approach the problem?
Latest Query(To aggregate per day):
| makeresults
| eval _raw="user,dest_ip,bytes,start_time,end_time
A,,35980247,24/01/2020 14:02,25/01/2020 01:18
A,,3797665,24/01/2020 14:02,24/01/2020 15:19
A,,552,24/01/2020 14:14,24/01/2020 14:15
A,,3200,24/01/2020 14:01,24/01/2020 14:02
A,,11373297,23/01/2020 13:57,24/01/2020 00:26
A,,73590782,23/01/2020 09:59,23/01/2020 23:31
A,,1203724,23/01/2020 13:57,23/01/2020 14:26
A,,3134,23/01/2020 13:57,23/01/2020 13:57
A,,8302783,23/01/2020 09:59,23/01/2020 13:31
A,,276,23/01/2020 10:20,23/01/2020 10:20
A,,3104,23/01/2020 09:58,23/01/2020 09:59
A,,3054,23/01/2020 09:59,23/01/2020 09:59
B,,4859519,17/01/2020 14:21,17/01/2020 17:19
B,,3370174,17/01/2020 14:21,17/01/2020 15:39
B,,238523,17/01/2020 14:21,17/01/2020 16:19
B,,3166705,17/01/2020 14:21,17/01/2020 15:39
B,,2783036,17/01/2020 14:21,17/01/2020 15:39
B,,3174766,17/01/2020 14:21,17/01/2020 15:39
B,,552,17/01/2020 14:33,17/01/2020 14:34
B,,24396,17/01/2020 15:56,17/01/2020 15:59
B,,675660,17/01/2020 15:57,17/01/2020 16:33
B,,162019,17/01/2020 15:57,17/01/2020 16:05
B,,6388,17/01/2020 15:57,17/01/2020 15:59
B,,398887,17/01/2020 16:00,17/01/2020 16:13
B,,294,17/01/2020 16:00,17/01/2020 16:00
B,,35324,17/01/2020 16:01,17/01/2020 16:04
B,,294,17/01/2020 16:06,17/01/2020 16:07
B,,181888,17/01/2020 16:11,17/01/2020 17:07
B,,25668,17/01/2020 16:11,17/01/2020 16:14
B,,517341,17/01/2020 16:19,17/01/2020 16:33
B,,518877,17/01/2020 16:19,17/01/2020 16:33
B,,80488,17/01/2020 16:27,17/01/2020 16:33
B,,294,17/01/2020 16:27,17/01/2020 16:28
B,,294,17/01/2020 16:27,17/01/2020 16:28
B,,190050,17/01/2020 16:28,17/01/2020 16:33
B,,39429,17/01/2020 16:36,17/01/2020 16:39
B,,158281,17/01/2020 16:36,17/01/2020 16:39
B,,39731,17/01/2020 16:36,17/01/2020 16:39
B,,40338,17/01/2020 16:36,17/01/2020 16:39
B,,100225,17/01/2020 16:36,17/01/2020 16:39
B,,23526,17/01/2020 16:39,17/01/2020 16:42
B,,28910,17/01/2020 16:39,17/01/2020 16:42
B,,40860,17/01/2020 16:39,17/01/2020 16:43
B,,14456,17/01/2020 16:39,17/01/2020 16:42
B,,15816,17/01/2020 16:39,17/01/2020 16:42
C,,6354,24/01/2020 13:36,24/01/2020 13:36
C,,552,24/01/2020 13:55,24/01/2020 13:55
C,,82751,27/01/2020 09:06,27/01/2020 09:09
C,,254943,27/01/2020 09:06,27/01/2020 09:09
C,,56569,27/01/2020 09:06,27/01/2020 09:09
C,,104603,27/01/2020 09:06,27/01/2020 09:09
C,,88522,27/01/2020 09:06,27/01/2020 09:09
C,,168563,27/01/2020 09:06,27/01/2020 09:09
C,,11535,27/01/2020 09:07,27/01/2020 09:09
C,,8114,27/01/2020 09:07,27/01/2020 09:09
C,,4691,27/01/2020 09:07,27/01/2020 09:09
C,,25653,27/01/2020 09:07,27/01/2020 09:21
C,,66339,27/01/2020 09:09,27/01/2020 09:11
C,,52219,27/01/2020 09:09,27/01/2020 09:11
C,,26527,27/01/2020 09:09,27/01/2020 09:11
C,,7349,27/01/2020 09:09,27/01/2020 09:11
C,,19109,27/01/2020 09:09,27/01/2020 09:11
C,,20854,27/01/2020 09:09,27/01/2020 09:11
D,,46783593,20/01/2020 15:27,20/01/2020 15:52
D,,49106343,20/01/2020 15:27,20/01/2020 16:23
D,,1033049,20/01/2020 15:38,20/01/2020 16:23
D,,287151,20/01/2020 16:23,20/01/2020 16:24
D,,132,20/01/2020 16:24,20/01/2020 16:24
D,,62,20/01/2020 16:24,20/01/2020 16:24
D,,4405811,20/01/2020 16:24,20/01/2020 16:59
D,,18716525,20/01/2020 16:24,20/01/2020 16:44
D,,40444,21/01/2020 09:21,21/01/2020 09:22
D,,173988,21/01/2020 09:22,21/01/2020 09:24
D,,2755,21/01/2020 09:24,21/01/2020 09:24
D,,1148,21/01/2020 09:45,21/01/2020 09:46
D,,7131,21/01/2020 09:46,21/01/2020 09:54
D,,35138614,21/01/2020 09:54,21/01/2020 10:47"
| multikv forceheader=1
| table user,dest_ip,bytes,start_time,end_time
| foreach *_time
[ eval <<FIELD>> = round(strptime('<<FIELD>>',"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"))
| eval end_time=end_time+60]
| sort user start_time
| eval user_dest=user.":".dest_ip
| streamstats current=f min(start_time) as p_start max(end_time) as t_end by user_dest
| eval change_flag= if(t_end <= start_time,"over",NULL)
| streamstats count(eval(change_flag="over")) as session by user_dest
| stats min(start_time) as start_time max(end_time) as end_time by user_dest session
| eval duration = end_time - start_time
| eval date=if(strftime(start_time,"%d")!=strftime(end_time,"%d"),mvrange(tonumber(strftime(start_time,"%d")),tonumber(strftime(end_time,"%d"))+1),strftime(start_time,"%d"))
| mvexpand date
| eval time_d =round(relative_time(start_time,"+1d@d"))
| eval duration=if(date=tonumber(strftime(start_time,"%d")), time_d - start_time,start_time + duration - time_d)
| stats sum(duration) as duration by date user_dest
| table user_dest duration date
| eval duration=replace(tostring(duration,"duration"),"(\d+)\:(\d+)\:(\d+)","\1h \2min \3s")
| foreach *_*
[ eval <<MATCHSEG1>>=mvindex(split(user_dest,":"),0)
| eval <<MATCHSEG2>>=mvindex(split(user_dest,":"),1)]
| table user dest duration date
| sort user dest date
Since start_time and end_time are the same, and strptime
is difficult to make duration, 60sec is added to end_time uniformly.
Way of thinking:
This is hard issue.
| eval date=if(strftime(start_time,"%d")!=strftime(end_time,"%d"),mvrange(tonumber(strftime(start_time,"%d")),tonumber(strftime(end_time,"%d"))+1),strftime(start_time,"%d"))
| mvexpand date
I want to praise myself here.
Since I do not consider the period between 31st and 1st, we need to create fields for display if necessary.
Latest Query(To aggregate per day):
| makeresults
| eval _raw="user,dest_ip,bytes,start_time,end_time
A,,35980247,24/01/2020 14:02,25/01/2020 01:18
A,,3797665,24/01/2020 14:02,24/01/2020 15:19
A,,552,24/01/2020 14:14,24/01/2020 14:15
A,,3200,24/01/2020 14:01,24/01/2020 14:02
A,,11373297,23/01/2020 13:57,24/01/2020 00:26
A,,73590782,23/01/2020 09:59,23/01/2020 23:31
A,,1203724,23/01/2020 13:57,23/01/2020 14:26
A,,3134,23/01/2020 13:57,23/01/2020 13:57
A,,8302783,23/01/2020 09:59,23/01/2020 13:31
A,,276,23/01/2020 10:20,23/01/2020 10:20
A,,3104,23/01/2020 09:58,23/01/2020 09:59
A,,3054,23/01/2020 09:59,23/01/2020 09:59
B,,4859519,17/01/2020 14:21,17/01/2020 17:19
B,,3370174,17/01/2020 14:21,17/01/2020 15:39
B,,238523,17/01/2020 14:21,17/01/2020 16:19
B,,3166705,17/01/2020 14:21,17/01/2020 15:39
B,,2783036,17/01/2020 14:21,17/01/2020 15:39
B,,3174766,17/01/2020 14:21,17/01/2020 15:39
B,,552,17/01/2020 14:33,17/01/2020 14:34
B,,24396,17/01/2020 15:56,17/01/2020 15:59
B,,675660,17/01/2020 15:57,17/01/2020 16:33
B,,162019,17/01/2020 15:57,17/01/2020 16:05
B,,6388,17/01/2020 15:57,17/01/2020 15:59
B,,398887,17/01/2020 16:00,17/01/2020 16:13
B,,294,17/01/2020 16:00,17/01/2020 16:00
B,,35324,17/01/2020 16:01,17/01/2020 16:04
B,,294,17/01/2020 16:06,17/01/2020 16:07
B,,181888,17/01/2020 16:11,17/01/2020 17:07
B,,25668,17/01/2020 16:11,17/01/2020 16:14
B,,517341,17/01/2020 16:19,17/01/2020 16:33
B,,518877,17/01/2020 16:19,17/01/2020 16:33
B,,80488,17/01/2020 16:27,17/01/2020 16:33
B,,294,17/01/2020 16:27,17/01/2020 16:28
B,,294,17/01/2020 16:27,17/01/2020 16:28
B,,190050,17/01/2020 16:28,17/01/2020 16:33
B,,39429,17/01/2020 16:36,17/01/2020 16:39
B,,158281,17/01/2020 16:36,17/01/2020 16:39
B,,39731,17/01/2020 16:36,17/01/2020 16:39
B,,40338,17/01/2020 16:36,17/01/2020 16:39
B,,100225,17/01/2020 16:36,17/01/2020 16:39
B,,23526,17/01/2020 16:39,17/01/2020 16:42
B,,28910,17/01/2020 16:39,17/01/2020 16:42
B,,40860,17/01/2020 16:39,17/01/2020 16:43
B,,14456,17/01/2020 16:39,17/01/2020 16:42
B,,15816,17/01/2020 16:39,17/01/2020 16:42
C,,6354,24/01/2020 13:36,24/01/2020 13:36
C,,552,24/01/2020 13:55,24/01/2020 13:55
C,,82751,27/01/2020 09:06,27/01/2020 09:09
C,,254943,27/01/2020 09:06,27/01/2020 09:09
C,,56569,27/01/2020 09:06,27/01/2020 09:09
C,,104603,27/01/2020 09:06,27/01/2020 09:09
C,,88522,27/01/2020 09:06,27/01/2020 09:09
C,,168563,27/01/2020 09:06,27/01/2020 09:09
C,,11535,27/01/2020 09:07,27/01/2020 09:09
C,,8114,27/01/2020 09:07,27/01/2020 09:09
C,,4691,27/01/2020 09:07,27/01/2020 09:09
C,,25653,27/01/2020 09:07,27/01/2020 09:21
C,,66339,27/01/2020 09:09,27/01/2020 09:11
C,,52219,27/01/2020 09:09,27/01/2020 09:11
C,,26527,27/01/2020 09:09,27/01/2020 09:11
C,,7349,27/01/2020 09:09,27/01/2020 09:11
C,,19109,27/01/2020 09:09,27/01/2020 09:11
C,,20854,27/01/2020 09:09,27/01/2020 09:11
D,,46783593,20/01/2020 15:27,20/01/2020 15:52
D,,49106343,20/01/2020 15:27,20/01/2020 16:23
D,,1033049,20/01/2020 15:38,20/01/2020 16:23
D,,287151,20/01/2020 16:23,20/01/2020 16:24
D,,132,20/01/2020 16:24,20/01/2020 16:24
D,,62,20/01/2020 16:24,20/01/2020 16:24
D,,4405811,20/01/2020 16:24,20/01/2020 16:59
D,,18716525,20/01/2020 16:24,20/01/2020 16:44
D,,40444,21/01/2020 09:21,21/01/2020 09:22
D,,173988,21/01/2020 09:22,21/01/2020 09:24
D,,2755,21/01/2020 09:24,21/01/2020 09:24
D,,1148,21/01/2020 09:45,21/01/2020 09:46
D,,7131,21/01/2020 09:46,21/01/2020 09:54
D,,35138614,21/01/2020 09:54,21/01/2020 10:47"
| multikv forceheader=1
| table user,dest_ip,bytes,start_time,end_time
| foreach *_time
[ eval <<FIELD>> = round(strptime('<<FIELD>>',"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"))
| eval end_time=end_time+60]
| sort user start_time
| eval user_dest=user.":".dest_ip
| streamstats current=f min(start_time) as p_start max(end_time) as t_end by user_dest
| eval change_flag= if(t_end <= start_time,"over",NULL)
| streamstats count(eval(change_flag="over")) as session by user_dest
| stats min(start_time) as start_time max(end_time) as end_time by user_dest session
| eval duration = end_time - start_time
| eval date=if(strftime(start_time,"%d")!=strftime(end_time,"%d"),mvrange(tonumber(strftime(start_time,"%d")),tonumber(strftime(end_time,"%d"))+1),strftime(start_time,"%d"))
| mvexpand date
| eval time_d =round(relative_time(start_time,"+1d@d"))
| eval duration=if(date=tonumber(strftime(start_time,"%d")), time_d - start_time,start_time + duration - time_d)
| stats sum(duration) as duration by date user_dest
| table user_dest duration date
| eval duration=replace(tostring(duration,"duration"),"(\d+)\:(\d+)\:(\d+)","\1h \2min \3s")
| foreach *_*
[ eval <<MATCHSEG1>>=mvindex(split(user_dest,":"),0)
| eval <<MATCHSEG2>>=mvindex(split(user_dest,":"),1)]
| table user dest duration date
| sort user dest date
Since start_time and end_time are the same, and strptime
is difficult to make duration, 60sec is added to end_time uniformly.
Way of thinking:
This is hard issue.
| eval date=if(strftime(start_time,"%d")!=strftime(end_time,"%d"),mvrange(tonumber(strftime(start_time,"%d")),tonumber(strftime(end_time,"%d"))+1),strftime(start_time,"%d"))
| mvexpand date
I want to praise myself here.
Since I do not consider the period between 31st and 1st, we need to create fields for display if necessary.
hi @gcusello
This is my latest query.
So you made the tally on a daily basis.
Hi @to4kawa,
Thank you very much, you solved a big problem for me!
Just one thing, for the rest of the Community, put a clear indication of what the final solution version is because I struggled a bit to find it among the many!
Thanks again.
Hi @to4kawa,
I have to ask you for a little extra effort because there is still an error condition that I can't find.
During debugging I noticed an error condition:
using the following limited data:
bytes dest_ip end_time start_time user
35980247 25/01/2020 01:18 24/01/2020 14:02 A
3797665 24/01/2020 15:19 24/01/2020 14:02 A
552 24/01/2020 14:15 24/01/2020 14:14 A
3200 24/01/2020 14:02 24/01/2020 14:01 A
11373297 24/01/2020 00:26 23/01/2020 13:57 A
73590782 23/01/2020 23:31 23/01/2020 09:59 A
1203724 23/01/2020 14:26 23/01/2020 13:57 A
3134 23/01/2020 13:57 23/01/2020 13:57 A
8302783 23/01/2020 13:31 23/01/2020 09:59 A
276 23/01/2020 10:20 23/01/2020 10:20 A
3104 23/01/2020 09:59 23/01/2020 09:58 A
3054 23/01/2020 09:59 23/01/2020 09:59 A
I have no results and debugging I found that the problem is in the "session" field that for this user has value=0 and in the first row there aren't p_start and t_end.
bytes dest_ip end_time p_start session start_time t_end user user_dest
35980247 1579911600 0 1579870920 UserA UserA:
3797665 1579875660 1579870920 0 1579870920 1579911600 UserA UserA:
552 1579871820 1579870920 0 1579871640 1579911600 UserA UserA:
3200 1579871040 1579870920 0 1579870860 1579911600 UserA UserA:
11373297 1579822080 1579870860 0 1579784220 1579911600 UserA UserA:
73590782 1579818780 1579784220 0 1579769940 1579911600 UserA UserA:
1203724 1579786080 1579769940 0 1579784220 1579911600 UserA UserA:
3134 1579784340 1579769940 0 1579784220 1579911600 UserA UserA:
8302783 1579782780 1579769940 0 1579769940 1579911600 UserA UserA:
276 1579771320 1579769940 0 1579771200 1579911600 UserA UserA:
3104 1579770060 1579769940 0 1579769880 1579911600 UserA UserA:
3054 1579770060 1579769880 0 1579769940 1579911600 UserA UserA:
Where's the problem?
Thank you again for your patience.
| eval _raw="bytes,dest_ip,end_time,start_time,user
35980247,,25/01/2020 01:18,24/01/2020 14:02,A
3797665,,24/01/2020 15:19,24/01/2020 14:02,A
552,,24/01/2020 14:15,24/01/2020 14:14,A
3200,,24/01/2020 14:02,24/01/2020 14:01,A
11373297,,24/01/2020 00:26,23/01/2020 13:57,A
73590782,,23/01/2020 23:31,23/01/2020 09:59,A
1203724,,23/01/2020 14:26,23/01/2020 13:57,A
3134,,23/01/2020 13:57,23/01/2020 13:57,A
8302783,,23/01/2020 13:31,23/01/2020 09:59,A
276,,23/01/2020 10:20,23/01/2020 10:20,A
3104,,23/01/2020 09:59,23/01/2020 09:58,A
3054,,23/01/2020 09:59,23/01/2020 09:59,A"
| multikv forceheader=1
| table user,dest_ip,bytes,start_time,end_time
| foreach *_time
[ eval <<FIELD>> = round(strptime('<<FIELD>>',"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"))
| eval end_time=end_time+60]
| sort user start_time
| eval user_dest=user.":".dest_ip
| streamstats current=f min(start_time) as p_start max(end_time) as t_end by user_dest
| eval change_flag= if(t_end <= start_time,"over",NULL)
| streamstats count(eval(change_flag="over")) as session by user_dest
| stats min(start_time) as start_time max(end_time) as end_time by user_dest session
| eval duration = end_time - start_time
| eval date=if(strftime(start_time,"%d")!=strftime(end_time,"%d"),mvrange(tonumber(strftime(start_time,"%d")),tonumber(strftime(end_time,"%d"))+1),strftime(start_time,"%d"))
| mvexpand date
| eval time_d =round(relative_time(start_time,"+1d@d"))
| eval duration=if(date=tonumber(strftime(start_time,"%d")), time_d - start_time,start_time + duration - time_d)
| stats sum(duration) as duration by date user_dest
| table user_dest duration date
| eval duration=replace(tostring(duration,"duration"),"(\d+)\:(\d+)\:(\d+)","\1h \2min \3s")
| foreach *_*
[ eval <<MATCHSEG1>>=mvindex(split(user_dest,":"),0)
| eval <<MATCHSEG2>>=mvindex(split(user_dest,":"),1)]
| table user dest duration date
| sort user dest date
I'm sorry @gcusello
Latest query is right answer.
Do not use reverse
I think it's okay now that my answers are organized.
To aggregate par user and dest_ip but no consider over a day:
| table user,dest_ip,bytes,start_time,end_time
| foreach *_time
[ eval <<FIELD>> = round(strptime('<<FIELD>>',"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"))
| eval end_time=end_time+60]
| eval user_dest=user.":".dest_ip
| streamstats current=f min(start_time) as p_start max(end_time) as t_end by user_dest
| eval change_flag= if(t_end <= start_time,"over",NULL)
| streamstats count(eval(change_flag="over")) as session by user_dest
| stats min(start_time) as start_time max(end_time) as end_time by user_dest session
| eval duration = end_time - start_time
| eval time_tmp=if(strftime(start_time,"%H")!=strftime(end_time,"%H"),mvrange(tonumber(strftime(start_time,"%H")),tonumber(strftime(end_time,"%H"))+1),0)
|mvexpand time_tmp
| eval duration_ph=case(time_tmp=0,duration
,tonumber(strftime(start_time,"%H"))=time_tmp,round(relative_time(start_time,"+1h@h")) - start_time
,tonumber(strftime(end_time,"%H"))=time_tmp,end_time - round(relative_time(end_time,"@h"))
| eval _time = if(time_tmp=0,relative_time(start_time,"@h"), strptime(strftime(start_time,"%F")." ".time_tmp,"%F %H"))
| table _time duration_ph user_dest
Pre version:
| table user,dest_ip,bytes,start_time,end_time
`comment("this is sample you provide. From here, the logic")`
| foreach *_time
[ eval <<FIELD>> = round(strptime('<<FIELD>>',"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"))
| eval end_time=end_time+60]
| streamstats window=1 current=f list(start_time) as p_start list(end_time) as t_end by user
| eval change_flag= if(t_end <= start_time,"over",NULL)
| streamstats count(eval(change_flag="over")) as session by user
| stats min(start_time) as start_time max(end_time) as end_time by user session
| eval duration = end_time - start_time
| stats sum(duration) as duration by user
Since start_time and end_time are the same, and strptime
is difficult to make duration, 60sec is added to end_time uniformly.
Way of thinking:
Hi @gcusello
It was a very rewarding issue.
How about this?
Hi @to4kawa,
Thank you for your help, I think that your approach is correct but this isn't yet the final solution!
replacing the last row of the search with
| bin span=1h start_time
| chart sum(duration) as duration OVER start_time BY user
| eval start_time=strftime(start_time,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
I see that sometimes (user B at 2020-01-17 14:00) there are more than 3600 seconds in an hour and this is impossible.
Can you give more ideas? Anyway, I'll continue to explore your solution.
Ciao and thank you.
hi, @gcusello
my query is made for aggregation between search range, not for aggregation par hour.
It is not work well.
For par dest_ip,
we should modify | eval change_flag= if(t_end <= start_time,"over",NULL)
OR | streamstats window=1 current=f list(start_time) as p_start list(end_time) as t_end by user dest_ip
now, I can't try this. sorry.
In my query, the duration of user B is from 17/01/2020 14:21 to 17/01/2020 17:19.
many accesses are included in it.
I'm not sure par hour
In this case,
14:00~ 15:00 39min
15:00~ 16:00 60min
16:00~ 17:00 60min
17:00~ 18:00 19min
Is this right?
Hi @to4kawa,
the check for hour is important to understand if the solution is correct because I cannot have more than 60 minutes in an hour.
Anyway it's right the last position:
14:00~ 15:00 39min
15:00~ 16:00 60min
16:00~ 17:00 60min
17:00~ 18:00 19min
I tried to implement on your code but I haven't succeeded yet.
Thank you.
Hi @to4kawa,
Your search is quite OK, I have only one issue: I need to divide results for days:
I found that there could be connections that start in one day and and in the following, I need to divide durations by day.
These are a subset of data to test this thing:
bytes dest_ip end_time start_time user
35980247 25/01/2020 01:18 24/01/2020 14:02 A
3797665 24/01/2020 15:19 24/01/2020 14:02 A
552 24/01/2020 14:15 24/01/2020 14:14 A
3200 24/01/2020 14:02 24/01/2020 14:01 A
11373297 24/01/2020 00:26 23/01/2020 13:57 A
73590782 23/01/2020 23:31 23/01/2020 09:59 A
1203724 23/01/2020 14:26 23/01/2020 13:57 A
3134 23/01/2020 13:57 23/01/2020 13:57 A
8302783 23/01/2020 13:31 23/01/2020 09:59 A
276 23/01/2020 10:20 23/01/2020 10:20 A
3104 23/01/2020 09:59 23/01/2020 09:58 A
3054 23/01/2020 09:59 23/01/2020 09:59 A
This is the your search I used:
| foreach *_time [ eval <<FIELD>> = round(strptime('<<FIELD>>',"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"))
| eval b_<<MATCHSTR>> = strftime('<<FIELD>>',"%d/%m %H:%M")]
| table user dest_ip bytes b_start start_time b_end end_time
| streamstats min(start_time) as start_p max(end_time) as end_p by user
| streamstats min(eval(min(end_p,start_time))) as start_p max(eval(max(end_p,end_time))) as end_p by user dest_ip
| table user dest_ip bytes b_start start_time start_p b_end end_time end_p
| eval start_check =nullif(start_time >= start_p AND end_time >= end_p,null())
| streamstats dc(eval(mvzip(start_p,end_p))) as flag
| dedup flag
| eval date=strftime(start_time,"%d")
| streamstats min(start_time) as start_p max(end_time) as end_p current=f by user dest_ip date
| reverse
| dedup start_time user
| reverse
| eval duration=end_time - start_time
| stats sum(duration) as duration max(date) as date by user dest_ip
| convert rmunit(duration) as diff
| eval diff=round(diff)
| eval difference=tostring(diff,"duration")
| eval difference = replace(difference,"(\d+)\:(\d+)\:(\d+)","\1h \2min \3s")
| table user dest_ip difference date
Ciao and Thank you.
Hi @gcusello
Give this a shot, slight tweaking might be needed
base_ search for events, time converted to epoch.
this query is duration per user. if you need per user per dest_ip, please add dest_ip to all the group_by and sort
What i'm doing here is basically removing overlapping timelines and grouping them into one continuous session
| fields user, dest_ip, start_time, end_time
| sort user, dest_ip, -start_time
| streamstats max(start_time) as next_start by user, dest_ip window=1 reset_on_change=true current=false
| sort user, dest_ip, start_time
| eval next_start=coalesce(next_start, start_time), row_group=1
| where end_time>next_start
| streamstats sum(row_group) as row_group by user, dest_ip reset_on_change=true
| eval row_group=(floor(coalesce(row_group,0)/2))
| stats min(start_time) as start_time, max(end_time) as end_time by user, dest_ip, row_group
| eval duration=end_time-start_time
| rename start_time as _time
| bucket span=1h
| stats sum(duration) as duration by user, dest_ip, _time
| eval over_time=if(duration>60, duration-60, 0)
| streamstats max(over_time) as add_time by user, dest_ip window=1 reset_on_change=true current=false
| fillnull value=0 add_time
| eval duration=duration + add_time - over_time
Hope this helps
Hi @arjunpkishore5,
Thank you for your help, I think that your approach is correct but this isn't yet the final solution!
replacing the last row of the search with
| bin span=1h start_time
| chart sum(duration) as duration OVER start_time BY user
| eval start_time=strftime(start_time,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
I see that sometimes (user B at 2020-01-17 14:00) there are more than 3600 seconds in an hour and this is impossible.
Can you give more ideas? Anyway, I'll continue to explore your solution.
Ciao and thank you.
Edited my answer to accommodate this condition (lines 13 onward) i'm calculating over_time which is the duration over 60 and adding it to the next hours time. I haven't tested the query, just going with the algorithm in my head and converting it to code. Some fixes may be needed. 🙂
I also added dest_ip to the group by 🙂
| makeresults
| eval _raw="user,dest_ip,start_time,end_time
A,X.X.X.X,2020/02/13 10:05,2020/02/13 10:10
A,X.X.X.X,2020/02/13 10:45,2020/02/13 10:50"
| multikv forceheader=1
| table user,dest_ip,start_time,end_time
| foreach *_time [ eval <<FIELD>> = strptime('<<FIELD>>', "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M")]
| fieldformat start_time = strftime(start_time, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M")
| fieldformat end_time = strftime(end_time, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M")
| addinfo
| eval duration = coalesce(end_time,info_max_time) - coalesce(start_time,info_min_time)
| eventstats sum(duration) as total_duration by user
| table user,dest_ip,start_time,end_time duration total_duration
hi, @gcusello
Anyway, I made a query.
I considered the case of starting and ending outside the range of time piker.
Hi @to4kawa,
Thank you for your help.
The problem isn't to find the duration of each transaction because in each row I have start_time and end_time, the problem is that I usually have more parallel sessions so if I sum all duration I have more than the time period, instead I need to know how long the user used the connection.
Below, you can find some example of my data
user dest_ip bytes start_time end_time
A 330 16/01/2020 09:30 16/01/2020 09:31
B 4859519 17/01/2020 14:21 17/01/2020 17:19
B 3370174 17/01/2020 14:21 17/01/2020 15:39
B 238523 17/01/2020 14:21 17/01/2020 16:19
B 3166705 17/01/2020 14:21 17/01/2020 15:39
B 2783036 17/01/2020 14:21 17/01/2020 15:39
B 3174766 17/01/2020 14:21 17/01/2020 15:39
B 552 17/01/2020 14:33 17/01/2020 14:34
B 24396 17/01/2020 15:56 17/01/2020 15:59
B 675660 17/01/2020 15:57 17/01/2020 16:33
B 162019 17/01/2020 15:57 17/01/2020 16:05
B 6388 17/01/2020 15:57 17/01/2020 15:59
B 398887 17/01/2020 16:00 17/01/2020 16:13
B 294 17/01/2020 16:00 17/01/2020 16:00
B 35324 17/01/2020 16:01 17/01/2020 16:04
B 294 17/01/2020 16:06 17/01/2020 16:07
B 181888 17/01/2020 16:11 17/01/2020 17:07
B 25668 17/01/2020 16:11 17/01/2020 16:14
B 517341 17/01/2020 16:19 17/01/2020 16:33
B 518877 17/01/2020 16:19 17/01/2020 16:33
B 80488 17/01/2020 16:27 17/01/2020 16:33
B 294 17/01/2020 16:27 17/01/2020 16:28
B 294 17/01/2020 16:27 17/01/2020 16:28
B 190050 17/01/2020 16:28 17/01/2020 16:33
B 39429 17/01/2020 16:36 17/01/2020 16:39
B 158281 17/01/2020 16:36 17/01/2020 16:39
B 39731 17/01/2020 16:36 17/01/2020 16:39
B 40338 17/01/2020 16:36 17/01/2020 16:39
B 100225 17/01/2020 16:36 17/01/2020 16:39
B 23526 17/01/2020 16:39 17/01/2020 16:42
B 28910 17/01/2020 16:39 17/01/2020 16:42
B 40860 17/01/2020 16:39 17/01/2020 16:43
B 14456 17/01/2020 16:39 17/01/2020 16:42
B 15816 17/01/2020 16:39 17/01/2020 16:42
C 6354 24/01/2020 13:36 24/01/2020 13:36
C 552 24/01/2020 13:55 24/01/2020 13:55
C 82751 27/01/2020 09:06 27/01/2020 09:09
C 254943 27/01/2020 09:06 27/01/2020 09:09
C 56569 27/01/2020 09:06 27/01/2020 09:09
C 104603 27/01/2020 09:06 27/01/2020 09:09
C 88522 27/01/2020 09:06 27/01/2020 09:09
C 168563 27/01/2020 09:06 27/01/2020 09:09
C 11535 27/01/2020 09:07 27/01/2020 09:09
C 8114 27/01/2020 09:07 27/01/2020 09:09
C 4691 27/01/2020 09:07 27/01/2020 09:09
C 25653 27/01/2020 09:07 27/01/2020 09:21
C 66339 27/01/2020 09:09 27/01/2020 09:11
C 52219 27/01/2020 09:09 27/01/2020 09:11
C 26527 27/01/2020 09:09 27/01/2020 09:11
C 7349 27/01/2020 09:09 27/01/2020 09:11
C 19109 27/01/2020 09:09 27/01/2020 09:11
C 20854 27/01/2020 09:09 27/01/2020 09:11
D 46783593 20/01/2020 15:27 20/01/2020 15:52
D 49106343 20/01/2020 15:27 20/01/2020 16:23
D 1033049 20/01/2020 15:38 20/01/2020 16:23
D 287151 20/01/2020 16:23 20/01/2020 16:24
D 132 20/01/2020 16:24 20/01/2020 16:24
D 62 20/01/2020 16:24 20/01/2020 16:24
D 4405811 20/01/2020 16:24 20/01/2020 16:59
D 18716525 20/01/2020 16:24 20/01/2020 16:44
D 40444 21/01/2020 09:21 21/01/2020 09:22
D 173988 21/01/2020 09:22 21/01/2020 09:24
D 2755 21/01/2020 09:24 21/01/2020 09:24
D 1148 21/01/2020 09:45 21/01/2020 09:46
D 7131 21/01/2020 09:46 21/01/2020 09:54
D 35138614 21/01/2020 09:54 21/01/2020 10:47
C 6354 24/01/2020 13:36 24/01/2020 13:36
Does this row has seconds?
No time format is %d/%m/%Y %H:%M