i'm using a query to find all traffic hitting a singe firewall rule.
it's something like this: host=fw_host_name rule_uid={uid} action=accept
i wanted to create a list of all sources, destinations and services(ports) with a count so i added | stats count by src dst service
The output i get is perfect for example the following row src: dst: service:22 count:71
but if i do the following search query over the same time: host=fw_host_name rule_uid={uid} action=accept src= dst= service=22 splunk returns 85 events.
so whats wrong with the stats count that it's not returning all events?
Thanks in advance for your help!
How many events you get, for same time range, for this query
host=fw_host_name rule_uid={uid} action=accept src= dst= service=22 | stats count by src dst service
host=fw_host_name rule_uid={uid} action=accept src=* dst=* service=* | stats count by src dst service
Its possible that you are getting live data and by the time you execute the second search , you have more events indexed.
Try your searches for a specific time period. for eg: datetime range
Thanks for your answer, sorry for being not clear. I used the same date time range for both queries.