I want to calculate the count of total events, count of errors and show the total percent of the failures from total.
my query is :
sourcetype=WalletExecuter Exception.Message="* BitGo *"
|stats count as total count(eval(Level="Error")) as FAILRUES by Exception.CorrelationId
| eval Failure%=round((FAILRUES/total)*100, 2)
but the results that returned are the percent of each CorrelationId
how can i show the total failure percent ?
Is this what you mean?
sourcetype=WalletExecuter Exception.Message="* BitGo *"
|stats count as total count(eval(Level="Error")) as FAILRUES by Exception.CorrelationId
| eventstats sum(total) as grandtotal
| eval Failure%=round((FAILRUES/grandtotal)*100, 2)
No.. i need total of all the correlationId in one line
this is the results of the query you sent:
Sorry, I don't understand what you results you are expecting. Do you mean addcoltotals?