Splunk Search

stats command file doubt



Is the default stats command for computing avg,min,max and sdev a custom search command which calls the rawstats.py file?
I have disabled the rawstats command for my search app, but I am available to run the stats command.

Am I missing something or is my understanding wrong?

Please help.

0 Karma


ok Ayn.thanks 🙂

0 Karma


I'm not sure what you didn't understand about that stats is an INTERNAL command. There IS no available code for it. rawstats.py seems like a good place to start with your own experiments.

0 Karma


Ayn . can you please give me the sample code of avg function for stats command pls.. i need work for an extra functionlity on tat.

0 Karma


As dart says, there is no external file. stats is a built-in command. If you need extra functionality, you'll need to build your own custom search command that adds it.

0 Karma


no..values are correct only... i need to have some extra funtionality of stats command..so wanted to check that stats command file..cany you me help me in finding the exact file pls

0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

The stats command is a builtin. rawstats is the command that uses rawstats.py:

filename = rawstats.py
streaming = true
retainsevents = true
overrides_timeorder = false


Why not try it?

0 Karma


so dart . if i define my additional functionality to this piece of code in rawstats.py file

def stats(r):
"""returns the median, average, standard deviation, min and max of a sequence"""
tot = sum(r)
avg = tot/len(r)

sdsq = sum([(i-avg)**2 for i in r])
s = list(r)
return s[len(s)//2], avg, (sdsq/(len(r)-1 or 1))**.5, min(r), max(r)

and save it as seperate command .. will that work ??

0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

What are trying to achieve? Is there something wrong with the values that the stats command is returning?

0 Karma
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