stacked100 option is good one in chart visualization. But seems it misses obvious thing - percentage labels in tooltips. In "Custom chart configuration reference" I found no param that can turn it on. The worse I need it in timecharts. Is it possible and how can I add percentage without evaluating it?
Strictly speaking, you don't have percentages in the tooltips, you have values. For example, my current dashboard using stacked100 has a value of "LI: 13.971". The visualization is taking care of the scaling to get up to 100%. If you wanted true percentages, I guess you'd have to translate those values into percentages (after first calculating a total) and then do a standard stacked column chart. Sorry I don't have an easier answer for you; I agree that it would be nice if it showed percentages.
Consider filing a request for enhancement (RFE).
Interesting that it is included by default in table but not chart tooltips. I second (or one millionth) this request. 🙂