i have a lookup csv with say 2 columns
colA colB
sb12121 800
sb879898 1000
ax61565 680
ax7688 909
I need to perform a lookup search that matches like colA which may result in
sb12121 800
sb879898 1000
if one of the columns in the logs start with sb (note that it may not be an abs match)
I can write a query that absolutely matches with a field in column but I am not sure how to perform a like match. I read something about transforms.conf but not sure where and how to use it. all im trying to do is perform a simple search command, that can do this lookupfor me. do i really need the tranforms.conf file for this ? cant we not do a wildcard search directly in the query ?
If you're looking for wildcarded lookup, then have a look at great answers here
item item_name item_type
1 google url
1 facebook url
1 intel url
1 apple url
1 espn url
index=proxylog| lookup test.csv item_name AS uri OUTPUT item_type | search item_type=*
this is not giving me any matches even though there are multiple google/facebook/intel matching uris in splunk events..
any idea why ?