Hi All,
Hopefully someone can help with this. We have logs that contain JSON where one of the fields can have multiple groups/entries - I would like to unwind/expand the groups to have a separate output per line. I think I have to use mvzip command but I'm having issues with syntax. Example data/query below...
| makeresults format=json Data="[
\"participantUserEmail\": \"123456789@test.com\",
\"agreement\": {
\"status\": \"OUT_FOR_SIGNATURE\",
\"participantSetsInfo\": {
\"participantSets\": [
\"memberInfos\": [
\"id\": \"abcdefg\",
\"email\": \"abcdefg@test.com\",
\"company\": null,
\"name\": \"test o'test\",
\"privateMessage\": null,
\"status\": \"ACTIVE\"
\"order\": \"1\",
\"role\": \"SIGNER\",
\"status\": \"WAITING_FOR_OTHERS\",
\"id\": \"abcdefg1234\",
\"name\": null,
\"privateMessage\": null
\"memberInfos\": [
\"id\": \"hijklmno\",
\"email\": \"hijklmno@test.com\",
\"company\": null,
\"name\": null,
\"privateMessage\": null,
\"status\": \"ACTIVE\"
\"order\": \"1\",
\"role\": \"SIGNER\",
\"id\": \"hijklmno1234\",
\"name\": null,
\"privateMessage\": null
\"documentsInfo\": null,
\"agreementViewRequest\": null
| spath output=eventType path=event
| spath output=agreementId path=agreement.id
| spath output=agreementStatus path=agreement.status
| spath output=participantUserEmail path=participantUserEmail
| rename participantSets{}.membersInfos{}.email as memberEmail, participantSets{}.status as memberStatus
| table _time, agreementId, eventType, agreementStatus, participantUserEmail, memberEmail, memberStatus
I still see only one line output and the 'memberEmail' and 'memberStatus' fields are showing as blank where as I want to see one line out to match every entry under 'participantSets' field.
Any help appreciated.
Replace with this and see if that gives you the results.
| spath output=eventType path=event
| spath output=agreementId path=agreement.id
| spath output=agreementStatus path=agreement.status
| spath output=participantUserEmail path=participantUserEmail
| spath output=participantSets path=agreement.participantSetsInfo.participantSets{}
| mvexpand participantSets
| spath input=participantSets output=memberInfos path=memberInfos{}
| mvexpand memberInfos
| spath input=memberInfos path=email output=memberEmail
| spath input=memberInfos path=status output=memberStatus
| table _time, agreementId, eventType, agreementStatus, participantUserEmail, memberEmail, memberStatus
Replace with this and see if that gives you the results.
| spath output=eventType path=event
| spath output=agreementId path=agreement.id
| spath output=agreementStatus path=agreement.status
| spath output=participantUserEmail path=participantUserEmail
| spath output=participantSets path=agreement.participantSetsInfo.participantSets{}
| mvexpand participantSets
| spath input=participantSets output=memberInfos path=memberInfos{}
| mvexpand memberInfos
| spath input=memberInfos path=email output=memberEmail
| spath input=memberInfos path=status output=memberStatus
| table _time, agreementId, eventType, agreementStatus, participantUserEmail, memberEmail, memberStatus
@deepakc - This works - thank you!