Splunk Search

spath - extracting data from groups within JSON

Path Finder

Hi All,

Hopefully someone can help with this.   We have logs that contain JSON where one of the fields can have multiple groups/entries - I would like to unwind/expand the groups to have a separate output per line.  I think I have to use mvzip command but I'm having issues with syntax.  Example data/query below...

| makeresults format=json Data="[
\"participantUserEmail\": \"123456789@test.com\",
\"agreement\": {
\"status\": \"OUT_FOR_SIGNATURE\",
\"participantSetsInfo\": {
\"participantSets\": [
\"memberInfos\": [
\"id\": \"abcdefg\",
\"email\": \"abcdefg@test.com\",
\"company\": null,
\"name\": \"test o'test\",
\"privateMessage\": null,
\"status\": \"ACTIVE\"
\"order\": \"1\",
\"role\": \"SIGNER\",
\"status\": \"WAITING_FOR_OTHERS\",
\"id\": \"abcdefg1234\",
\"name\": null,
\"privateMessage\": null
\"memberInfos\": [
\"id\": \"hijklmno\",
\"email\": \"hijklmno@test.com\",
\"company\": null,
\"name\": null,
\"privateMessage\": null,
\"status\": \"ACTIVE\"
\"order\": \"1\",
\"role\": \"SIGNER\",
\"id\": \"hijklmno1234\",
\"name\": null,
\"privateMessage\": null
\"documentsInfo\": null,
\"agreementViewRequest\": null
| spath output=eventType path=event
| spath output=agreementId path=agreement.id
| spath output=agreementStatus path=agreement.status
| spath output=participantUserEmail path=participantUserEmail
| rename participantSets{}.membersInfos{}.email as memberEmail, participantSets{}.status as memberStatus
| table _time, agreementId, eventType, agreementStatus, participantUserEmail, memberEmail, memberStatus

I still see only one line output and the 'memberEmail' and 'memberStatus' fields are showing as blank where as I want to see one line out to match every entry under 'participantSets' field.

Any help appreciated.

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1 Solution


Replace with this and see if that gives you the results.

| spath output=eventType path=event
| spath output=agreementId path=agreement.id
| spath output=agreementStatus path=agreement.status
| spath output=participantUserEmail path=participantUserEmail
| spath output=participantSets path=agreement.participantSetsInfo.participantSets{}
| mvexpand participantSets
| spath input=participantSets output=memberInfos path=memberInfos{}
| mvexpand memberInfos
| spath input=memberInfos path=email output=memberEmail
| spath input=memberInfos path=status output=memberStatus
| table _time, agreementId, eventType, agreementStatus, participantUserEmail, memberEmail, memberStatus


View solution in original post

0 Karma


Replace with this and see if that gives you the results.

| spath output=eventType path=event
| spath output=agreementId path=agreement.id
| spath output=agreementStatus path=agreement.status
| spath output=participantUserEmail path=participantUserEmail
| spath output=participantSets path=agreement.participantSetsInfo.participantSets{}
| mvexpand participantSets
| spath input=participantSets output=memberInfos path=memberInfos{}
| mvexpand memberInfos
| spath input=memberInfos path=email output=memberEmail
| spath input=memberInfos path=status output=memberStatus
| table _time, agreementId, eventType, agreementStatus, participantUserEmail, memberEmail, memberStatus


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Path Finder

@deepakc  - This works - thank you!

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