Hi, I tried to format the eventtime and would like to show the latest time event first. However, the search string below always displays the oldest event first, What's even weird is that when I clicked on the Time header in the table, the column is still not sorted. I am wondering if anyone can shed some light on this? Thank you!
| bucket _time span=60m | eval Time=strftime(_time, "%m/%d %H:%M %Z") | STATS avg(time_taken) AS AverageResponseTime BY Time | sort by Time desc
Your syntax is a little off. Have a look at sort's syntax here: http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/SearchReference/Sort
This should work better:
... | sort - Time
If you are trying to sort by the extracted timestamp, then _time is what you want to use i.e.
| sort -_time
I just hit this and it was driving me nuts as I was using Time and not seeing the expected result.
Your syntax is a little off. Have a look at sort's syntax here: http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/SearchReference/Sort
This should work better:
... | sort - Time
Hi there, this answer isn't working for me. Here's the query I'm typing:
name@email.com | sort - Time
And in the output I'm seeing:
5/2/19 7:38:41.000 PM
5/2/19 7:38:44.769 PM
5/2/19 7:38:44.000 PM
So, not only is the order not descending, but it's not even sorted. Splunk is ignoring my sort directive altogether and is just doing whatever it wants instead.
Please advise?
Thank you.
Hello, it doesn't seems to work for me 😞
The source type is log4j logs. Splunk (light) successfully parsed date/time and shows me separate column in search results with name "Time". I tried (with space and without space after minus):
| sort -Time
| sort -_time
Whatever I do it just ignore and sort results ascending.
I figured out that if I put wrong field name it does the same. The name "_time" I tried to use because when you click on the value in Time column it shows option to show events before or auto and tell me that the field name is "_time". Could you make any suggestion please?