I've tried everthing I've found but for some reason cant round the value for "%_Committed_Bytes_In_Use". different variations of things like | eval %_Committed_Bytes_In_Use=round(value,2) but no luck. someone help this newbie. thanks in advance!
index=perfmon eventtype="perfmon_windows" object="Memory" host=$host$| eval DATETIME=strftime(_time, "%D %H:%M") | sort-%_Committed_Bytes_In_Use | table host %_Committed_Bytes_In_Use DATETIME | dedup host
Have you tried
| eval %_Committed_Bytes_In_Use=round(%_Committed_Bytes_In_Use,2)
@arjunpkishore5 yes
Error on 'eval' command: The expression is malformed. An unexpected character is reached at '%_Committed_Bytes_In_Use,2)'
I've tried quotation marks, parenthesis in different places. seems the eval command dosent like something in that counter
Can you please rename your field to Pct_Committed_Bytes_In_Use ? Do this before any operations.
@jpolvino Nice suggestion! worked like a charm. never even thought to rename first.
A team effort to solve your problem, nice!