Hi ,
I have been using the stats avg(duration) as Avg_Duration in my query.But while displayin the Avg_Duration i am getting the output value with 6 decimal digits after the precision.Something like 2.123456 i would like to round it off to four digits only.Tried using the round function along with the stats command..but it didnt worked.
Please help me on this .Thanx
What have you tried already when you tried to round?
Something like this works with my setup;
| stats avg(duration) as Avg_duration | eval Avg_duration=round(Avg_duration,0)
I know this has been around a while, but I felt I should share this with the community. You can incorporate the eval statement into the stats command:
| stats avg(eval(round(duration,0))) AS Avg_Duration
This especially works well when you are using a split by statement.
| stats avg(eval(duration(count,0))) AS Avg_Duration by something
It would be a lot better inline. I tried but as such in our 6.1.2 server cannot it does not work. ie.
| stats round(avg(duration),0)
What have you tried already when you tried to round?
Something like this works with my setup;
| stats avg(duration) as Avg_duration | eval Avg_duration=round(Avg_duration,0)