Hi Guys
I have a query like this
<query>| stats avg(CurrentConnections) as CC by host
And the output is as below with multiple rows
But we have a requirement to get all the results in a single row (all outputs are required but in a single row instead of multiple rows one after one) some thing like this;
| CC |
server01 server02 server03 server04 server05 server06 | 368.333333333333 365.333333333333 345.333333333333 379.666666666666 356.333333333333 381.666666666666 |
Can someone please guide us how to do this?
| stats avg(CurrentConnections) as CC by host
| stats list(host) AS host list(CC) AS CC
| stats avg(CurrentConnections) as CC by host
| stats list(host) AS host list(CC) AS CC
One big caveat though. Remember that list() doesn't care about "continuity" of entries before merging them. So if you have empty results (in your example - hosts without connections), you'll get "wrong" results.
Compare results of
| makeresults annotate=f count=100
| streamstats count
| table count
| eval value=if(count%10!=3,count,null())
| stats avg(value) as avg by count
| makeresults annotate=f count=100
| streamstats count
| table count
| eval value=if(count%10!=3,count,null())
| stats avg(value) as avg by count
| stats list(avg) list(count)
You could use fillnull to fill the "gaps"
| makeresults annotate=f count=100
| streamstats count
| table count
| eval value=if(count%10!=3,count,null())
| stats avg(value) as avg by count
| fillnull value="N/A"
| stats list(avg) list(count)
But in general - it's best to avoid operating on such formed multivalue fields and don't rely on the order of values of those fields.
thanks @johnhuang it worked.