Splunk Search

query to get top 10 users

Path Finder

Hello everybody,

I am getting data in "index=test", I am trying to get top 10 Calling userid's with there call count.
device_type="device1" so far i have


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@splunkuseradmin ,


index="collab_uc_cdr" NOT INTEGER NOT globalCallID_callId 
( sourcetype=cisco_cdr OR sourcetype=cisco_cdr-* OR sourcetype=cucm_cdr ) ( globalCallId_ClusterID=AMR-Corp-CCM11XX OR globalCallId_ClusterID=AMR-Corp-CCM12XX OR globalCallId_ClusterID=AMR-Corp-CCM13XX OR globalCallId_ClusterID=AMR-Corp-CCM14XX OR globalCallId_ClusterID=AMR-Corp-CCM15XX ) duration>0   device_type="Jabber" eventtype="outgoing_call" 
|stats count by globalCallId_ClusterID,callingPartyUnicodeLoginUserID 
|sort - count |head 10
What goes around comes around. If it helps, hit it with Karma 🙂
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