I am trying to filter out events using props.conf and transforms.conf . I have requirement where there are multiple source log files are present and I need to pick few of them , like ( i can't use host or sourcetype as they are been shared with other indexes) -
source1: ABC/DEF/IJK-YTL/master/dev/jobid18/console
source2: ABC/DEF/IJK-YTL/master/dev/jobid19/console
and so on .
I have tried following regex but they didnt work ( i still see logs been indexed and not dumped)
TRANSFORMS-set = setnull
option 2 : [source::\ABC\/DEF\/IJK-YTL\/master\/dev\/.*?\/console]
Option 3 : [source::.../console]
Option 4 : [source::...[/\\]master[/\\]...[/\\]console]
DEST_KEY = queue
FORMAT = nullQueue
Can someone please help - SPlunk is on windows platform
here is told how that should work on props.conf https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Admin/Propsconf
Have you already try this
Basically this is same than your Option 3.
Remember to restart instance after change props.conf!
r. Ismo
Yes, I am restarting Splunk service after making the change in config files.
Still no luck !
Your configurations are in indexer or if there is heavy forwarder between source system and indexer then on that HF?
Are both Indexer and UF windows nodes? If so then I think that your file url should use windows notations for path \ not /.
r. Ismo
I found issue with the file name - it was "transform" instead of "transforms".
This option worked like a charm :
Option 3 : [source::...console]
Good to hear that this is solved. Be aware that using just …/console can match many different files later on and then it could be anew challenge to find the reason….