I got a splunk search that monitors, how many different hosts there were in the chosen timespan.
| stats dc(host) as hostcount
Now I would like to generate a pie chart, that compares succesful hosts with the unseccesful ones. Therefore I got a field "errors". All hosts with error > 50 should be counted as unseccesful. The others should be counted as succesful. The pie chart should show the succesful/unsuccesful ratio.
| makeresults | eval _raw="host errors
def 50
ghi 51
abc 2
def 50
ghi 51" | multikv forceheader=1 | fields - _raw _time linecount
| eval unsuccessful = if(errors > 50, "unsuccessful", null)
| stats values(unsuccessful) as unsuccessful by host
| eval status=if(unsuccessful = "unsuccessful","unsuccessful", "successful")
| stats count by status
| stats sum(errors) as errortotal by host
| eval status=if(errortotal > 50,"unsuccessful", "successful")
| stats count by status
Thank you, that already helps. However I did a mistake while explaining my situation. I dont want the sum of errors to be > 50. If there was one event with error >50 within the timespan, the host should be classified unsuccesful. The sum of errors per host is not important for me. Only if there was one single event with error >50. Do you understand what I mean?
| makeresults | eval _raw="host errors
def 50
ghi 51
abc 2
def 50
ghi 51" | multikv forceheader=1 | fields - _raw _time linecount
| eval unsuccessful = if(errors > 50, "unsuccessful", null)
| stats values(unsuccessful) as unsuccessful by host
| eval status=if(unsuccessful = "unsuccessful","unsuccessful", "successful")
| stats count by status