Requirement- I want to display distinct logins into an app in the last 30 days.
My query returns zero events.
index="123" AND organizationId="011110012D" logRecordType=ailtn ("appName":"Cash_Platform" AND "appType":"Console") [|inputlookup "test"|table UserID|rename UserID as userId]|lookup test.csv UserID AS userId |timechart span=1mon dc(userId) as distinctLogins
Here App name is Cash_Platform and lookup file test.csv contains UserID and UserNames
Any Suggestions where am I doing wrong or how this can be improved to return valid events.
yup. I also have a requirement where I want to show time spent by user on the console in above query. How should I achieve that ?
Have you worked out where you are losing events?
index="123" AND organizationId="011110012D" logRecordType=ailtn ("appName":"Cash_Platform" AND "appType":"Console")
By the way, AND is implied and it looks like you are checking JSON fields so you may need to escape the double quotes around the keys and values, so try:
index="123" AND organizationId="011110012D" logRecordType=ailtn "\"appName\":\"Cash_Platform\"" "\"appType\":\"Console\""
If this has your expected events, try:
index="123" AND organizationId="011110012D" logRecordType=ailtn ("appName":"Cash_Platform" AND "appType":"Console") [|inputlookup "test"|table UserID|rename UserID as userId]
If you are still getting events, try:
index="123" AND organizationId="011110012D" logRecordType=ailtn ("appName":"Cash_Platform" AND "appType":"Console") [|inputlookup "test"|table UserID|rename UserID as userId]|lookup test.csv UserID AS userId
@ITWhispererI just simplified the query further to get unique logins in last 30 days
index="123" AND organizationId="011110012D" logRecordType=ailtn ("appName":"Cash_Platform" AND "appType":"Console") earliest=-30d | dedup userId | lookup test.csv UserID AS userId | stats count(userId)
This is returning the events .
I welcome any suggestions for improvement
++Now Im trying to display time spent by user on the app console . Dont know how to write query for this.
Does index="123" AND organizationId="011110012D" logRecordType=ailtn ("appName":"Cash_Platform" AND "appType":"Console") userId=* return any events? Do any of the userIds match what you are expecting?
Hi @ITWhisperer it does retuen events with userId=*
and do any of them match with the UserId in "test"?