I have this problem with streamstats maybe I am not understanding it right but my expected result didnt come out from the query that I wrote
index=summary source="summary_events"
| stats sum(count) as totalEvents by _time event
| streamstats time_window=1d first(totalEvents) as day1 by event
| streamstats time_window=2d first(totalEvents) as day2 by event
| streamstats time_window=3d first(totalEvents) as day3 by event
| streamstats time_window=4d first(totalEvents) as day4 by event
| streamstats time_window=5d first(totalEvents) as day5 by event
| streamstats time_window=6d first(totalEvents) as day6 by event
| streamstats time_window=7d first(totalEvents) as day7 by event
The sample result is:
_time event totalEvents day1 day2 day3 day4 day5 day6 day7
2018-08-04 22:00:00 no-event 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217
2018-08-04 22:00:00 service-error 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2018-08-04 22:00:00 bad-url 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
my expectation was that it is going to display the total count for each past day per 5min interval but I am just getting the same value for all of them.Any ideas what Im doing wrong?
as sample event that I am aggregating is
08/11/2018 22:15:00 +0000, search_name="Summary index: Error reports", search_now=1534026000.000, info_min_time=1534025400.000, info_max_time=1534026000.000, info_search_time=1534026007.707, count=3, event="some_event", ms_level=ERROR, ms_region="region", ms_version=version, orig_source="source"
Try this and lets know what modification you require.
index=summary source="summary_events" orig_source=some_source ms_region=us-west-1 ms_level=E*
|bucket span=5m _time|stats sum(count) by _time,event|eval date=strftime(_time,"%d-%m-%Y")
|streamstats dc(date) as dayno|eval dayno="Day".dayno|fields - date
@renjith.nair so I tried the query above and this is what I got :
sample result
_time event sum(count) dayno
2018-08-05 23:00:00 idna-encode-failed 1 Day1
2018-08-05 23:00:00 monitor-set-selection-error 4 Day1
2018-08-05 23:00:00 no-event 53 Day1
2018-08-05 23:00:00 srouter-browser-useragent-ie-valid-failed 8 Day1
2018-08-05 23:00:00 tc-frame-load-timed-out 2 Day1
2018-08-05 23:00:00 tc-pairing-unexpected-response 6 Day1
2018-08-05 23:05:00 auth-password-reset-failed 1 Day1
2018-08-05 23:05:00 no-event 60 Day1
2018-08-05 23:05:00 srouter-bad-url 2 Day1
2018-08-05 23:05:00 srouter-browser-useragent-ie-valid-failed 10 Day1
2018-08-05 23:05:00 srouter-fetch-retry-failed 43 Day1
2018-08-05 23:05:00 tc-cb-generated-exception 1 Day1
2018-08-05 23:05:00 tc-pairing-unexpected-response 2 Day1
2018-08-05 23:10:00 no-event 77 Day1
2018-08-05 23:10:00 service-unavailable-error 1 Day1
2018-08-05 23:10:00 srouter-bad-url 2 Day1
2018-08-05 23:10:00 srouter-browser-useragent-ie-valid-failed 8 Day1
2018-08-05 23:10:00 srouter-fetch-retry-failed 28 Day1
2018-08-05 23:10:00 surrogate-unknown-fid 4 Day1
2018-08-05 23:10:00 tc-pairing-unexpected-response 10 Day1
2018-08-05 23:15:00 monitor-set-selection-error 1 Day1
2018-08-05 23:15:00 no-event 58 Day1
2018-08-05 23:15:00 srouter-browser-useragent-ie-valid-failed 6 Day1
2018-08-05 23:15:00 srouter-fetch-retry-failed 1 Day1
2018-08-05 23:15:00 srouter-popup-pair-failure 1 Day1
2018-08-05 23:15:00 surrogate-unknown-fid 1 Day1
2018-08-05 23:15:00 tc-pairing-unexpected-response 7 Day1
2018-08-05 23:15:00 tc-uncaught-exception 1 Day1
2018-08-05 23:20:00 channel-xhr-push-lost-message 3 Day1
it goes all the way to day 7
which is giving me the information that I wanted but not in the format that I was looking for
Do you want to display all 5 minutes interval count as field name (that will be a long list) or just sum/day?
@renjith.nair so what I wanted is for the column fields would be:
_time event totalEvents day1 day2 day3 day4 day5 day6 day7
There is a reason why I wanted it in this format, I was planning on running a foreach command and compare the past days by the total event and see whether or not it is an outlier stuff like that.
Alright try this,
index=summary source="summary_events" orig_source=some_source ms_region=us-west-1 ms_level=E*
|timechart span=5m sum(count) as count by event|eval date=strftime(_time,"%d-%m-%Y"),time=strftime(_time,"%H:%M:%S")
|table time,event,count,date|eval temp=time."-".event
|chart values(count) over temp by date|rex field=temp "(?<time>[^-]+)-(?<event>[^-]+)"
|fields - temp