Splunk Search

need help with search logic


I am running this in Splunk ES (Enterprise Security). My objective is to find out those savedsearch_name whose average run time is greater than 300. Need some assistance in crafting the logic.

Here is my SPL so far....

index=_internal sourcetype=scheduler savedsearch_name=* `WF2020_1797_MA_active_es_shd` ACCELERATE run_time>1
| rex field=savedsearch_name "_ACCELERATE_DM_(?<savedsearch_name>.*?)_ACCELERATE_"
| search savedsearch_name!="Splunk_SA_CIM_Splunk_Audit.Modular_Actions" savedsearch_name!="Splunk_SA_CIM_Splunk_Audit.View_Activity"
| timechart span=5m avg(run_time) AS avg_run_time by savedsearch_name useother=f limit=0

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1 Solution


Try something like this

index=_internal sourcetype=scheduler savedsearch_name=* `WF2020_1797_MA_active_es_shd` ACCELERATE run_time>1
| rex field=savedsearch_name "_ACCELERATE_DM_(?<savedsearch_name>.*?)_ACCELERATE_"
| search savedsearch_name!="Splunk_SA_CIM_Splunk_Audit.Modular_Actions" savedsearch_name!="Splunk_SA_CIM_Splunk_Audit.View_Activity"
| stats avg(run_time) AS avg_run_time by savedsearch_name
| where avg_run_time > 300

View solution in original post


Try something like this

index=_internal sourcetype=scheduler savedsearch_name=* `WF2020_1797_MA_active_es_shd` ACCELERATE run_time>1
| rex field=savedsearch_name "_ACCELERATE_DM_(?<savedsearch_name>.*?)_ACCELERATE_"
| search savedsearch_name!="Splunk_SA_CIM_Splunk_Audit.Modular_Actions" savedsearch_name!="Splunk_SA_CIM_Splunk_Audit.View_Activity"
| stats avg(run_time) AS avg_run_time by savedsearch_name
| where avg_run_time > 300
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